1/30/2023 c2 Perspicacity
I enjoyed this next chapter. It really details a good starting point of just how busy Sommer is and the difficulties she faces as a teenager. Sommer is a very involved young woman with plenty of potential. The hardest part in life is see our own abilities and talents. Yet, a person can be their own worst critic and be the harshest on themselves. Even though they no longer go to school together, the wonderful thing Sommer has the support of CJ. It makes life easier when a person has the support of family and friends around them. They lift us up to see what opportunities are before us and offer sound advice.
I enjoyed this next chapter. It really details a good starting point of just how busy Sommer is and the difficulties she faces as a teenager. Sommer is a very involved young woman with plenty of potential. The hardest part in life is see our own abilities and talents. Yet, a person can be their own worst critic and be the harshest on themselves. Even though they no longer go to school together, the wonderful thing Sommer has the support of CJ. It makes life easier when a person has the support of family and friends around them. They lift us up to see what opportunities are before us and offer sound advice.
1/30/2023 c1 Perspicacity
I found this author has created characters that are well-rounded and the imagery very vivid. I am excited to read the next chapter and see what happens to Sommer.
I found this author has created characters that are well-rounded and the imagery very vivid. I am excited to read the next chapter and see what happens to Sommer.
1/7/2022 c11 Pevitagrace
halo author, i am so interested in your work, my name is Pevita an editor for a fast growing platform, i would love to offer you something related to your work, may i know how to reach you professionally?
halo author, i am so interested in your work, my name is Pevita an editor for a fast growing platform, i would love to offer you something related to your work, may i know how to reach you professionally?
4/28/2019 c9 SwahnniGirl626
Summer needs to hurry up and kick Matt's ass, because it's getting harder and harder to pity her
Summer needs to hurry up and kick Matt's ass, because it's getting harder and harder to pity her
2/18/2019 c9 Guest
YAY YOUVE UPDATED! Really excited to see Somma’s character development I.e. her whooping Matt and Meg’s ass.
Of course I would love if you updated more often but take your time! Your health comes first!
Hope you’ve been well, lots of love xo
YAY YOUVE UPDATED! Really excited to see Somma’s character development I.e. her whooping Matt and Meg’s ass.
Of course I would love if you updated more often but take your time! Your health comes first!
Hope you’ve been well, lots of love xo
8/19/2018 c1 Vicki Lawson
Reminds me of Maroon 5's "She Will Be Loved"-which by the way is a song I really like, but also This Love.
Reminds me of Maroon 5's "She Will Be Loved"-which by the way is a song I really like, but also This Love.
1/27/2018 c8 Ellybeth
I do hope you finish this story. I've kept it as a favorite all these years. So I was shocked when I saw there had been an update. Please continue! Thanks
I do hope you finish this story. I've kept it as a favorite all these years. So I was shocked when I saw there had been an update. Please continue! Thanks
7/10/2017 c6 Guest
this story is definitely keeping me entertained, her doormat behavior gets a little frustrating at times though...
this story is definitely keeping me entertained, her doormat behavior gets a little frustrating at times though...
5/15/2017 c5 Assassins-of-Illusion
Hey, it's me! AOI!
I really liked the scenes with Kevin and Sommer training, but I would like them to grow closer. Also, I would like to have Kevin find out that Sommer's being bullied first and help her stand up to Matt and eventually help her tell her parents about it.
Kaykay, stay gold!
Hey, it's me! AOI!
I really liked the scenes with Kevin and Sommer training, but I would like them to grow closer. Also, I would like to have Kevin find out that Sommer's being bullied first and help her stand up to Matt and eventually help her tell her parents about it.
Kaykay, stay gold!
5/2/2017 c4 Bookworm
Ok wow love this story! I sincerely hope you update again soon!
Ok wow love this story! I sincerely hope you update again soon!
4/25/2017 c4 Fancyandwhimsy
My only feedback is with the parents since I am one. You have a problem. Either they are clueless about her situation or they are involved. But, their reactions for the behavior, emotional stress, etc. that their daughter is showing does not ring true to life. Even if one is a workaholic and the other is an adulterer, parents have a deep bond with their children if they love them. And once they heard about Matt's kissing her, no father with any self-respect would have let it go just because his teenage daughter told him not to. He would have gotten in the car, turned up at the house and had a man-to-man talk with the boy's father - and probably the son. He would have also filed a police report before he started on the school district. I can just picture my husband who once defended me over much, much less. My mild mannered, kind husband transformed into someone I'd never seen as he went into full on protection mode and challenged a guy three times his size, daring him to touch his wife again. So, you can write the mom off as a self-absorbed loser, but the dad just doesn't ring true to life.
Normally, I don't leave reviews that aren't just praise or a slight comment, but in this case since you are going to all the trouble of reworking it, I'm throwing it in.
And I am really enjoying it. It's a great story.
My only feedback is with the parents since I am one. You have a problem. Either they are clueless about her situation or they are involved. But, their reactions for the behavior, emotional stress, etc. that their daughter is showing does not ring true to life. Even if one is a workaholic and the other is an adulterer, parents have a deep bond with their children if they love them. And once they heard about Matt's kissing her, no father with any self-respect would have let it go just because his teenage daughter told him not to. He would have gotten in the car, turned up at the house and had a man-to-man talk with the boy's father - and probably the son. He would have also filed a police report before he started on the school district. I can just picture my husband who once defended me over much, much less. My mild mannered, kind husband transformed into someone I'd never seen as he went into full on protection mode and challenged a guy three times his size, daring him to touch his wife again. So, you can write the mom off as a self-absorbed loser, but the dad just doesn't ring true to life.
Normally, I don't leave reviews that aren't just praise or a slight comment, but in this case since you are going to all the trouble of reworking it, I'm throwing it in.
And I am really enjoying it. It's a great story.
3/12/2017 c2 Assassins-of-Illusion
Hullo! I really like this story, and I hope you update soon! Also, for the story, I would like for the parents to find out that Sommer is being bullied please. Just a suggestion. Kay, bu-bye!
Hullo! I really like this story, and I hope you update soon! Also, for the story, I would like for the parents to find out that Sommer is being bullied please. Just a suggestion. Kay, bu-bye!