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for Rory Harper's Guide to Mating

6/2/2019 c20 Lilyblue
Hey! No worries! Life sucks and all that jazz and you just got do what you got to do. You work really hard on your writing, so why not make some money off of it. I hope things improve and while I can't contribute this month (sorry!), I saved your patreon page for the next month.
6/2/2019 c20 Jess
This is kind of sad I am in the negative so I can’t finish a story I started and supported
6/2/2019 c20 Dude
It’s been years.
2/27/2019 c19 Honestly
Just love the last line its so sad but cute and i hope they work out and soren doesnt get hurt either but not piper give him what he deserves he needs love and care poor little babe
1/7/2019 c19 1emmaruby
Just reread this story after a few years. Absolutely love it and really hope you update and finish it one day.
12/18/2018 c19 Guest
Hi. It's been years since I last read this story. I still love it very much. I hope you're happy and doing well in life.
9/26/2018 c19 Emelieoe
Thank you for this story! It is really great! I just hope, vainly, that you will someday update it!
8/7/2018 c19 Chimel321
Pls finish the story
7/14/2018 c19 Guest
Super story! So fun and extremely detailed! The way you analyzed pack and dom/sub dinamics is just.. wow. Best werewolf story I’ve ever read. Are you going to update? Please say yes! At LEAST write a oneshot to explain what is going on from Piper’s pov!
4/22/2018 c1 LightxDarkness
Hello there! I am all for Piper and Rory getting together but I have to say, Soren is not far behind. Over the course if the story, its impossible not to like Soren. Still, I am Team Piper. Whether you update or not, thank you for giving us a fun story to read. Will love to wait on any hint of a update!
4/5/2018 c19 Frequent Reader
This story is amazing! Please keep on updating it!
10/27/2017 c19 Guest
Please for the love of cupcakes updaaaaaattteeeee
8/9/2017 c19 6VeeVeeLa
I just binged this entire story and I've come to say that...I hope you still have plans to update this. I really love this story and I think it's really good. I've been sucked in. I was looking all over the place for werewolf story just as good as this, but I can't find one.

Just letting you know...I believe in this story and I believe in you.
3/28/2017 c19 WhyWeWashTheWindows
Ok you did it. You sucked me in to this world really well. Now you have to finish it. I didn't even want to like it but that's all out the window now. I'm hooked. Please don't abandon this forever. I can't go on thinking poor Rory. He doesn't deserve any of this lol. Hoping for an update.
1/16/2017 c19 Tinyyellowboxes
Man, this story is amazing. This story is so good that I was sitting on my porch the other day and I had a half-memory of a few of the chapters and was trying to piece bits of it together, and I thought to myself "damn, I loved that story". So even knowing that it was possibly still a dead-fic I tracked it down using my old dead fictionpress account, found it through my favorites, and re-read every single chapter. It was - if possible - even better than my memory (and you'd even updated a few extra chapters since my last reading). Whether you ever finish this or not. Whether Rory ends up with Piper or Soren. Whether the there are typos, incomplete sentences, or whatever anyone could possibly think to say negatively about this story (which should be very few things - btw). I love it. I love it, and I'll always love it. I hope you're proud of this story, because it is a fucking tremendously great story.

P.S. What is up with all these Soren haters in the recent reviews? He is the coolest dude! And also a (so-far) a pretty good person, and positive force in Rory's life. Why haters gotta hate? Although, I'll be happy with whoever Rory is happy with. I'm really in it for the Rory - lol. Although all of them are such amazing characters. Sorry - I will stop gushing now. Thanks for everything!
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