Just In
for Double Vision

5/12/2010 c21 2babykezyx
ah-yee! haha, I'm a bit on a high right now, lol. I've just done my English Higher exam so yeh, it was haarrdd!

Right, hair colour: red, not like died red but natural red. If you have to, ginger. haha. I hate calling it ginger lol. Just for the sake of it, my hair is long and curly so if that's any help. I feel so lucky to be in your story, yaayy! I'm so happy :)

When I came on here to just check, I realised u had updated and I was like, "why didn't I get an email?" since I added u to my subscriptions or whatever it's called. Then I realised u'd only updated it today and I checked my email before u did. haha. I'm such a klutz. haha

Right, now on reviewing the chapter ( my cat is like meowing loads just to get out of the room right now lol): a great chapter again! It was a nice, calming chapter where you can just sit down and read - i.e. you won't end up falling off the seat coz of all the tension and drama haha (not that I don't like drama lol). Loved the little scene with Jack. So cute! And u kept ur promise of more memories of Jack. Yaay! Anyway, what will Summer do about her date? She doesn't even have one, even though she said she did! duh duh DUUHH! Okay, seriously, I am on a high - I should stop eating so much chocolate, but mum bought me some after my exam so... I couldn't resist. Anyways, this is, like a really long review and so I am going to go. But remember, update tomorrow! :D haha. Hope it's good! And Greece must have been amazing! (I totally forgot about mentioning it so thought I would right at the end haha) x
5/8/2010 c20 Puerto Rican Princess
I have read both this story and Hollow Secrets and ive just got to tell you I cant decide which one i like more. I cant wait for you to update again. Please update soon.
4/24/2010 c20 1sortakate
I know I'm probably not one of the first two, but my names Kate, my favorite color is red, and I like roses. But, anyway, I LOVED THIS CHAPTER! OMG it was, everything I hoped for. I love how addicted I have become to this story, I check every freaking hour of the day to see if you have updated, I am that obsessed. I Cannot tell you enough, how much I love this story. It is so descriptive and personal, I feel like these characters are 100% real, and like, literal people. Anyway, I think you continue to do fan-flipping-tabulous on this. And I love you review replies, it makes me want to read even more! Anyway, love this! And keep going with it! It's amazing!
4/23/2010 c20 MyNameIs-Madison




Don't apologize for the police thing.

It was still awesome(I like the word awesome , especially the way a friend of mine says it , now back to the review).

I like how Will is straight forward with Summer.

He tells her the truth .

I am so glad nothing bad happened to Elaine .


Summer is a hypocrite.

I have to go ...

Great Job


Good Luck with (insert whatever)
4/23/2010 c20 1scarletfleur
locked up. forevermore. as they deserve.

:) i wonder how long people actually do get put in jail for doing those kinds of things?

very good chapter. i don't know who to choose - will or adam? personally, i'd go with adam. even though will is sweet. i'd still go for the bad guy though in every situation. that's just me!

well, if i get to be one of the lucky three, my names keety and my favourite colour is scarlet (hence the penname) and my favourite flowers are lilies cos they're beautiful, and then sunflowers cos their bright!
4/23/2010 c20 ACKLAX3
I loved this chapter! aww i feel bad for Will...but Adam and Summer are like the dream team! ah dangit! i really thought that ellersile would win..hahaha oh and i have no clue if i'm one of the first three-but just in case my name=isabella and my favorite color is blue...but that changes alot! haha can't wait for more:)
4/23/2010 c20 2babykezyx
Oh drama! exciting! loved this chapter again and am so happy u took insperation from my idea :D

Hm Will...yum! haha

anyway, my name is Kerry, my favourite colour is electric blue and my favourite flower is a daisy coz their cute :)

and btw, I wanted to thank you for posting this chapter ON MY BIRTHDAY! It made my day! :D thanx x
4/23/2010 c20 1millienmile
kay story up first or i'll forget- Wow harsh decision on the fake parents front, then again what else could happen. Oh and just so you know, im secretly on Will's side :P He's so cute and i can totally identify with him :P And I love the chapter :D

On to more important things ;) i kid i kid lol. Nah, i didn't get into trouble im good with the excuses :P besides my english teacher loves that i read heaps. Naw i feel so loved, getting a character and all, I'm sure it has nothing at all to do with the 100th reviewer ;) ...Sometimes i find it odd how i amuse myself so easily, moving on :P My names Camille, and my favourite colour is red. LOL i was about to tell you that i did in fact spell colour but then i realised your English not American so i didnt have to..annyywway lol. Btw your other story is keeping me thoroughly occupied but i had to stop reading it to read this chapter and you've left me on a massive cliffhanger so I'm off to go read that again :P

Can't wait until the next chapter :P xoxo
4/22/2010 c19 millienmile
Right now i have a massive english assignment to do, but because of you and your crappy(im ranting i actually mean amazing) story, I was unable to walk away from the computer and start it. Which means i'll be up until midnight trying to finish it, because ur story is so damn...Excellent. And so im crazy annoyed coz i just started reading it and i want the next chapter! lol but then again its probably a good thing.

anyway i figured i'd take the time and let you know how good ur story is :P (even if it sounded more like and angry rant :P)
4/17/2010 c1 1Liese Mage
Amazing, Keep it Up! I'm glad Adam found his way back to his real home, and I hope his parents get what they deserve. (:
4/15/2010 c19 1scarletfleur
9. Police.


:) I feel sorry for the mother and all, but SERIOUSLY? Why didn’t she just adopt?

There’s just something about acoustic versions. Magic!  We The Kings – Check Yes Juliet and Skyway Avenue. I actually haven’t heard Kiss and Tell, but will check it out, music twin!
4/13/2010 c19 3Beauty-Personified
I was hooked from the start. It is really good. I applaud Will for being sweet and comforting Adam when he needed it most. Thank you for the ahmazing read and I can't wait until you update!
4/10/2010 c19 ACKLAX3
AHH! woah that was...awesome! but really really sad! i was not expecting that-but in a good way! haha. umm i kinda want him to call the police, because thats terrible that they could do that! and i dont think summer will be able to resist;) hahahah! can't wait for more:D

oh and good luck at the horse race! Ellerslie...thats pretty close hahahhaa!
4/10/2010 c19 2babykezyx
Yaayy! I'm glad you went for something different! Seriously, I wasn't expecting them to be so evil mwahahahahahaha xD xD.

Love the chapter tho! Update soon! :D

Do I think Adam should call the police on his 'parents'. Hmm, I don't think he should - we want more scandal! haha joke. It was a long time ago. But, hey, surprise me!:P

I still love Will! hahahaha don't we all?

Aw, I think that Elaine shouldn't be hurt or whatever on her way there. *gasp* Omigosh! I just had a vision! hahahaha I just imagined Summer and Adam (and maybe Will) running out of the house in the pouring rain - away from something, i have no idea - and then bumping into Elaine. Then they have a massive hug because they know they are family or something and they all cry happy tears :D and then...um, I don't know what happens next. And to be honest...that idea of mine was crap! xD haha dramatic! Trust me, don't use it XD :P

Anyways, still loving the story! keep up the fantastic, amazing, incredable, outstanding...(okay, I'm going to shut up now) work! :D x
4/10/2010 c19 1Stuck.In.Wonderland239
I think that Adams parents should go to jail and I think Summer should be with will. Yup.
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