Just In
for Going Under

6/9/2010 c10 4thisdizzydreamer
Aw, cute chapter, Fia! I'm so glad you finished this. (: It's adorable. ;D

I love you.

I hope I'll update soon and stop being so lazy.

I'll get Kimberly to you ASAP.

I swear.

4/30/2010 c9 thisdizzydreamer
You kill him. I kill you. Simple. ;D Great chapter as always, Fia. I love you.

- J.C.
4/8/2010 c8 thisdizzydreamer
Whenever I read this, I always feel like I have to be mute... Haha. I didn't talk through reading this whole thing. And yes. I know you'll hijack a a jet. xD This was great, Fia! Elaine finally got some revenge. But why did you use KIM? xDD I'm expecting to see an Erik somewhere in here now... Lol. Great chapter, as always!
2/6/2010 c7 thisdizzydreamer
OH MY JESUS! That was scary! Update!
1/26/2010 c6 thisdizzydreamer
Damn, damn, damn, damn, DAMN. You know I love this story! XD Great work, Fia!
1/12/2010 c5 thisdizzydreamer
Ah... FIA! That was horrible. Now I'm freaking out. But horrible in a good way... (Nervous laugh) Awesomeness... Sometimes I hate how good stories never get the reviews they deserve... i.e., you. Lol. And some people say me, but I disagree... Anyways, loved it! You always do such a great job!

- J.C.
1/11/2010 c4 16GeneralIncivility
I decided to read some of your stuff after you reviewed my Beatles script. This story caught my attention because of the two names, Elaine and Marvel, I've never read anything with an Elaine or Marcel and I'm glad I pursued changing that. I'm wondering why the doctor is 'bipolar' according to Elaine and I'm wondering if Elaine is lying just to get attention. And if she isn't, I hope Marcel doesn't think she is at some point. That nurse's words are haunting me and I seriously pray they aren't true. I like Elaine, but she seems so angry and she becomes so quite quickly. I can't wait to read your other installments on this fictional piece. Good luck with all your other literary adventures!
12/20/2009 c4 4thisdizzydreamer
Crepy... But awesome! I promise to update soon. I'm just waiting for Monday to be over, because then I don't have anymore school for two weeks... =D And I loved this chapter. Update soon!
12/15/2009 c3 thisdizzydreamer
Yay, you updated! =D Now I have the energy to go to school! Double yay!
12/14/2009 c2 thisdizzydreamer
You are so right! The similarities are insane! I think I like yours better than mine. Lol. Update, update, update, and I promise to update I'm Not Ready and Silence Is Golden. =D

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