Just In
for Befuzzled

10/30/2022 c1 Bub
Hi again! This is the fifth phone where I had this bookmarked in my mobile browser. I never really mean to but when I'm looking for fluff that can never be delivered by any book, ao3 fic or beloved tumblr blog, I remember this work once every few years. I hope you're still doing alright, and everything is okay for you :) You probably won't ever see this, but I'd like to thank you still! Stay safe, and take care always!
1/22/2020 c1 Buh
1/22/2020 c1 Bub
Oh wow lol i guess im really old now. Dear author, i hope you get to read this. Im on my 2nd year in college and I've loved this work of yours since i was a bumbly teen in high school. I hope you're doing well and that you're happy and healthy. This oneshot, though small, made such a huge impact on me to the point that when i think of having a boyfriend, this is what i'd imagine and hope for looool. Im so dramatic but anywaaays. Take care wherever you may be.
2/25/2019 c1 Bub
Still feel the same way
2/18/2017 c1 Bub
Ugh. I indulge myself in things like this, which isn't a good thing because it'll give me that false hope to meet a guy like that one day. Siiiiigh. Where can i find a Hunter? HAHAHA

Anyway, great story. You bring out the shits and giggles in me XD
4/13/2015 c1 Red
Loved it!
11/6/2014 c1 MissLucas
I love this so so much. Love it!
8/5/2014 c1 BlackHare9
such fluff but I love that kinda stuff .
11/4/2013 c1 1APassionForReadingAndWriting
Aw, I love it :D :D Great writing :)
5/1/2013 c1 17Minkaos
This was such a cute read! I really enjoyed your storytelling and Jane and Hunter seem so adorable together!
1/20/2013 c1 1my princess ending
I had a hard time starting to read this story considering that I'm one to judge a book by its title. When I finally read it, I was...speechless. It wasn't just the story line but the character description. I could relate the the girl since my body is quite like hers.

I thought that there were definitely some things you could've made a bit clear but I thought all in all, it was great.

11/13/2012 c1 1Giulietta Tolomei
This is good! LOVE IT!
10/30/2012 c1 theHuntressofNight
I think that was one of the best "I like you" confessions I've ever heard. ;D
10/27/2012 c1 3peacelovejay
Dude, this story describes my life and gives me hope. So perfect!
10/13/2012 c1 heal me forever
i wish ppl(boys) r like hunter sigh great one totally heart felt stry ..wiping d happy tears bless u
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