Just In
for Armed and Dangerous

10/25/2012 c3 Purple123
Bought. Now release Armed and Dangerous!
3/20/2012 c3 3Venus Smurf1
Okay, yes, I did get all excited. I haven't had time to read for pleasure lately, and this is probably the first time I've come to fictionpress in months...and I may or may not have kicked a wall or two when I realized this wasn't actually an update. I think I'm depressed now.

...I'm not one to criticize, though, given that I haven't updated in almost a year myself, but when you do get published, please let me know. I can guarantee that I'll be buying that book! (Especially if, you know, your first book is based on this story. Hint, hint.) Good luck with everything.
1/3/2012 c3 MIA
Not sure what's going with your updates on Authonomy but I thought I'd let you know that every one of the links to Cloak and Dagger on Authonomy on your Livejournal are not working anymore. They just lead you to the main book page. Does this mean you're no longer sharing Cloak and Dagger with your readers? Is there any way you can tell us what WOULD have happened in Armed and Dangerous? I've waited over 2 years to know how this story ends...
6/22/2011 c3 Humperdinky
Hi Nenia,

I love your stories like Cloak and Dagger and I loved the beginning of Armed and Dangerous. I also really enjoyed your Horrorscape stories and I used to read your other story before you removed it. I think it was called Equilibrium. It was similar to the story of Persephone in which a girl gets kidnapped by Hades? That was a great one to read.

You're an incredibly talented writer with a great imagination. The way you depict your characters and bring them to life is a rare quality for an FP writer. Your knack for description and attention to detail is what makes you such an inspiring writer and wonderful storyteller. That's why I enjoyed reading your stories so much.

Horrorscape was an interesting story. As much as I grew to (sort of) despise GM for toying with Val and her friends, I was still eagerly awaiting the moment when she would succumb to him in Part 2. I wasn't disappointed. I thought you wrote those scenes beautifully.

I was really looking forward to seeing the direction you would be heading in with Armed and Dangerous before you removed your chapters from FP. I understand why you moved to Authonomy and I signed up soon after to read your stories. I'm really sorry that I haven't reviewed your chapters there like I did on FP. I guess I was hoping you'd start posting the new chapters before I began doing so. I was just wondering if you're planning on updating Cloak and Dagger and if you're planning on posting Armed and Dangerous on Authonomy anytime soon? I think your readers would be really happy to see that happen.

All the best! x
3/10/2010 c3 ihartmichealfreek
i read cloak and dagger and now i'm reading this and i luv your stories please cotinue updating and writing in f.p. b/c i for the life of me caanot get the hang of l.j.
2/27/2010 c2 13Aaerie
2/27/2010 c3 rockpunk92
YAY! OH MY GOODNESS YAY FINALLY! This story is basically like crack to me and I'm so happy it's being reposted! I tried to read it again on here before and was aghast you had finally taken it down. Squee! So now its on authonomy right? Not livejournal? *zooms on over to authonomy*
2/27/2010 c1 Lizzy
So... I stumbled on this one Saturday morning. I opened the story and to my surprise it is a sequel to one of my favorites: Cloak and Dagger. As always beautifully written. I'm happy to say that I am as intrigued as always!
2/25/2010 c2 Evelyn
I miss C&D! I don't know when you plan on posting it on authonomy but i hope it's really soon!
2/13/2010 c2 Alonna Marie
Grr...you need to update soon woman! We are dying here!
2/7/2010 c1 Sunshine Music Notes
You're already gone.

No update in over a month.

I'm worried.
2/1/2010 c2 superficialowl
Wow you need to update. This story is really good and only two chapters in. Your characters have history, personality and issues with each other! It's great and I can't wait for more.
1/25/2010 c2 2HoPELeSS.RoMaNTiiC
one word... MORE.?. Love you Candid :)*cheeky grin*
1/20/2010 c1 E
Please update something! This, or Horrorscape, or anything. The suspense! Arghh
1/19/2010 c2 3Moll Hackabout
Aww, I read your recent lj entry and you said you're putting this on hiatus :(

For some reason, my computer does not allow me to post on your lj, so I'll write here.

I hope you decide to continue this story. It's absolutely amazing and you can tie the loose ends from the prequel. I understand you're really busy, but please don't leave us hanging! =p

This is one of the few things that keep me sane during college app season! :D

Crossing my fingers for another chapter (hopefully sooner)!
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