Just In
for The Defender

8/9/2014 c7 Ariane
I really like this story. I hope you'd continue this.
6/12/2010 c1 yuanyuan
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3/30/2010 c5 XxSiennaxX
I really like your story so far. I don't think it was particularly fair of her mother to prevent her from taking a book to read, she would get bored with a book as well but then at least she'd have something to do to get away from everyone.

I can't wait to read more and to see where you are going to take this, please update soon :)
3/22/2010 c1 I am Korean you good
you good !
3/19/2010 c5 3zydrate dreamcatcher
oh! i like it. also, how sinister.. for the thing they share to be anger.. but i like it! I look forward to your next update, as always. =)
3/19/2010 c5 Cleoattila
this sounds like a good story! please update soon!
2/11/2010 c4 zydrate dreamcatcher
thank you thank you thank you for the update.. even though you were on your death bed.. i feel so loved.. but also a smidge bad that you might have worked so hard on updating when you were ill.

anyway! i find the captain interesting. and it sounds an awfuly lot like he's trying to convince himself there at the end of the chapter. ^_^ i look forward to reading the next chapteer... and i promise i'll try to not harrass you every second about it... honest. =D

loved it! keep up the good work.
2/7/2010 c3 zydrate dreamcatcher
thank you for hounding me to read this story... however, now you will have to put up with me hounding YOU to update every, like, 20 seconds. I really like this story so far, and I must say I was pleasently surprised that mr. grumpy turned out to be the captain! though I thoguht that might have been the case. xD

UPDATE NOW! please? *bats eyelashes*
1/20/2010 c1 InkNotes
Brilliant! Don't put such fantastic work on something anyone can access! You have a gift.
1/4/2010 c2 Ipaintwithwords
This is a lovely story, and I am surprised not more people are reviewing this one.

The attention to detail is lovely. I tend to enjoy stories that do that...:)

I like the story idea and am looking forward to more.
12/27/2009 c1 Ipaintwithwords
This is such a lovely start to your story. It is well written, nice detail, and the dialogue fit in nicely to the time you are writing...:)

I am eagerly awaiting more.

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