Just In
for Her Cursed Slipper

3/5/2011 c4 3SweetSarah2
Hey, I've now read the 4 Her Cursed Slipper chapters. Pleas tel me yours making another chapter! I love the character Eleyna, she's fast-moving, witty, spunky and so human. I also like Lady Maranda because she's a character you love to hate. I still think you should put more detail into the surroundings and features of your characters to make this story better, but overall this was a really cool story and i really hope you continue writing!
3/5/2011 c1 SweetSarah2
I liked this story because it wasn't your typical fairytale. Eleyna has spunk! I aming definately going to read more. One thing i think you should work on is putting more detail in on what the characters look like, their surroundings etc. This looks to be a cool story!
11/4/2010 c4 Admins Pls Delete Me
Pretty good, but who's the guy she just saved? I liked this story! But, could you update? You're kinda leaving me hanging. So, yeah, good story! UPDATE!
2/27/2010 c4 1soprano-in-waiting
I really enjoy your writing style,probably because it fits my type of humor. The characters are pretty well thought out. Love the last line!
2/1/2010 c4 Elber of Torou
Just read your latest chapter-don't abandon this, keep going, I like it. One thing, though-just do a quick proof-read before you put the next one up. There were a few annoying-and missable-mistakes. Other than that, this is a great continuation from the previous chapters.

Loving it.
1/30/2010 c3 4MarieCordell
You need to keep going with this story. This story has something really unique going on. I'm eager to see where it goes. I think it has a lot of potential, and I'm really enjoying it. Your characters are very interesting, and the irrational, excessive rage is quite hilarious.
1/19/2010 c2 Elber of Torou
I'm enjoying this. Your spelling etc may need a little bit of work (only occasionally), but you have a wicked sense of humour and it's dragging me into the guts of this story. I barely care what its about, you tell it quite well. Write on!
1/13/2010 c2 2DeepSeaDragon
Well, she certainly is an angry lass, isn't she?

I really liked the introduction in the first chapter; the first couple of lines were hilarious. I do feel that these installments are a little too brief, however. Two chapters in and it only took me... what, five minutes to read it? Anyway, you've got an attractive voice going on here. Keep on truckin' and we'll see where this goes.

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