Just In
for The Silent Voice

12/8/2011 c7 8Ava Oxalis
Awwww. Best descriptions in a story I've read in ages. I love the way you describe his eyes, it's so vivid.
3/9/2011 c1 SJose

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9/16/2010 c8 soccergurl31294
this story is absolutely smashing! :) i really like it. can't wait for your next update
9/13/2010 c8 xVampireLoveBitesx
Hello. I'm the Update Monster. OM NOM NOM NOM NOM UPDATES! ;)

And hot damn -what a saucy update it was ;D

I thought it was really sweet (though it seems odd to describe it as 'sweet') when Eva thought she knew what the first kiss would be like, but it was kind of an anticlimax because she felt so insecure... BUT THEN SHE MADE A SEXY COMEBACK ^_^

I actually love these two so much. It's just made all the more perfect when one of them (or technically in this case, both) have a handicap but they totally don't let that come between them in any way... *sigh*

AND THE AWKWARDNESS! Oh the precious, precious awkwardness. It's not a cringe-worthy awkwardness, though. It just makes these two seem so fitting...

Whether it's as a friend or a…" he hesitated and bit his lip, "a something more."

- Lip biting is sexy. Just thought I'd put that out there.

Awk bless wee Eva... She seems so genuinely shocked that Craig wants to be with her -it's almost heartbreaking but yet I feel so happy for her at the same time... Aw :)

Yikes, I can't get enough of these two! YUMMY!

Update Monster wants more updates, please ;)

(PS -sorry that was a grim review :/ I'm tired! D:)

9/12/2010 c8 2bridgettblah
*Cue the aw card*


9/12/2010 c8 xxCandlelightxx
most authors get the gist of the emotional scenes and play them out okay but this one was absolutley wonderful. very well written ^_^
6/28/2010 c7 7weird froggy
OH MY GOSH! They kissed! i didn't see that coming at all. update soon i want to read more!
6/28/2010 c7 11Liveey123348

Awesome job! :D



6/11/2010 c7 2CassandraDeanne
This is pretty good so far. Please tell me it's not over! Thank for sharing it!
6/11/2010 c7 1Cocoalovercj
When are you making the next chapter? This story is really good! You HAVE TO MAKE MORE CHAPTERS!
6/11/2010 c5 Cocoalovercj
Haha, don't worry about the eejit thing. I read loads of stories with different meanings to words. And by the way, this story is getting really good! I love it!
6/11/2010 c1 Cocoalovercj
I really like this story. I do like the mute thing, it's very unique. Keep up the good work!
6/11/2010 c7 minniemad
there better be a kiss descrpition , like making out stuff junk like that
6/11/2010 c7 xVampireLoveBitesx
Mm, updates :3

Constructive critisism? Hmm... I like how you describe things, as I said in my last review, but careful not to over-do it and use too many adjectives. I'm one to talk, because when I get in a certain frame of mind I way over use adjectives :P Just keep that in mind when you're writing though.

*DROOL*! :D* :3 The guitar. Les Paul. Blue sunburst. I think I just jizzed. :P

"Easy there princess, don't get ahead of yourself. You'd be passed out before I even began to get tingly."

- AAHAHAHAH princess XD Oh man, I love Holly!

Ah. Eva and Craig are alone. *sexual tension clam* ;)

D: C-car crash..? O_O

Wow, the wheelchair, the crutches... Poor craig :(

You handled Craig telling that story really well -you could have made it corny or over-dramatic on his behalf, but you suited how he told it and his character very nicely -kudos

But... how he can't even run without hurting himself? That really is heartbreaking. :'(

"In the dark, it was like the brown flecks in his eyes were chasing each other, like shooting stars."

-Mm, goosebumps ;)

".. to me it felt like a chain-saw couldn't tear my green eyes from his grey ones."

-I love that line. I'm in love with these characters.

Btw -a comma should come after the 'to me'. PUNCTUATION FTW ;)

Craig is just so unbelievable -not literally unrealistic, but I just adore him! He's like that guy every girl dreams about, but it's not like he's just an idyllic, made-up guy. He seems like he could be real...

I can't get over him! How he went through all that loneliness after the accident, but then found those others and became friends with them... and how he recognised that same lonliness in Eva that she'd had to live with all her life...

And how he wanted her to trust HIM. God. He's so close to perfect.

I crave an update. Give me my fix soon, please! :D

6/11/2010 c7 2bridgettblah
Aw I really like it! Some things...like that one word (Cant remember now..) I dont get...but im american... =\ Really really good!
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