Just In
for Don't Fall For The Players

5/12/2012 c20 1Kcoarra
I feel so bad for Colton, but why does he have to be mean to Tenley, she did make out with Zane. I get that he would be upset with that, but he doesnt have to be mean. Oh well, I still feel really bad for him.
5/12/2012 c19 Kcoarra
Noooo! I knew there would be a fight coming, there always is in stories like these, but I hate them nevertheless. I don't want them fighting. Uhhhh!
5/12/2012 c18 Kcoarra
Noooo, I dont like mean Colton, I like when he is sweet and nice. I still love him though. Hahaha hopefully they will figure it out.
5/12/2012 c17 Kcoarra
Wonder why Colton thinks his mom's death is his fault? Hmmm hopefully he opens up to Tennley soon.
5/12/2012 c16 Kcoarra
Pink berry hahaha! Love that they call it that, Oh and I also Love Colton, I think I may tell you that in every review. He is so sweet for making her feel much better about herself. I think he is really starting to care about her.
5/12/2012 c15 Kcoarra
Have I meantioned I love Colton! Ha ha, I like their relationship, but I kind of want Tennley to tell Max, I feel like he should know.
5/12/2012 c14 Kcoarra
I love Colton, I like that he is so sweet to the people he loves.
5/12/2012 c35 conti siegel
awesome story! :)
5/12/2012 c13 Kcoarra
Loved the chapter and all the Tenlye/Colton moments. Colton is so sweet to her and I love that, they are great together. Good chapter.
5/12/2012 c12 Kcoarra
Gosh, I really love these two together.
5/12/2012 c11 Kcoarra
Yay Tenley is not mad, that is good.
5/11/2012 c10 Kcoarra
oh great chapter, love the teasing.
5/11/2012 c9 Kcoarra
Oh my gosh they are actually kind of together, that is sooooo cute! I love them together!
5/11/2012 c8 Kcoarra
Love this chapter, she told Jackson off and she is with Colton, so cute.
5/11/2012 c7 Kcoarra
I love Raine! Not sure if I have told you that, but I love her. Love Colton too, he is soooo sweet to her. I hate Jackson though, I hope Tennley doesnt do anything with him. Great chapter, can't wait to read about the party.
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