Just In
for Don't Fall For The Players

3/1/2013 c10 9AKhwab
Heh heh. The last part was amusing.
1/26/2013 c15 1trista.akatwista
I've never read a book quite as intersesting I lovr ittt
1/25/2013 c2 moquesha2
Max is an awesome big brother. Can I have him?
1/2/2013 c6 Guest
i enjoy your story even through it gets me sometimes frustrated also. just wanna bash these two on the head with a mullet and this is only just the beginning O
12/14/2012 c40 2Severed Arm
I read my ass off to finish this story /not sure if you remember me haha xD./ all night and then I find out there's a Sequel? Dang I am not getting any sleep tonight.

So glad I came back to finish reading this story. I definitely like where you went with this. And Raine! I can't believe how real she is! Or rather, how real she seems
12/14/2012 c37 Lolalai
I love this story! I could read it over and over again! You are an amazing writer :)
12/13/2012 c37 Gary The Snail x3
Okay, I've read this story countless times and each time I feel like I love it more and more. Most of the stories you just see the guy go after the girl but nope, in yours it goes both ways. And you seriously are an amazing writer I just hate and love your cliffhangers at the same time ;D
12/8/2012 c39 3TheClosetWriter16
Watched it! Your so pretty ;)
11/28/2012 c1 DENDA
i'M SORRY, I just can't read you're story after 10 paragraphs. it's like your character has something to prove. And my advice, don't let your character describe her own outfit.
11/27/2012 c6 hjv
11/18/2012 c12 tyana.barnes
I have a quick they already have sex?
11/16/2012 c2 tyana.barnes
I lobe this book so far.I never knew love could be SO CLOSE! Though you made several writing errors,I'm willing to look over it because this book intrigues me.I think I wanna write a few books.I have the vocabulary,the good dialogue,and other important I just wish I had someone like you to help me! You're inspiring,lovealways03
11/15/2012 c1 Mileniaaa
you should make it into a book ! its really good this is like the sixth time i have read it.
11/11/2012 c15 KristenWenst68
Love the story, just wish it was a little more grammatically revised. Maybe look for a beta, but otherwise really cool.
10/29/2012 c7 2Daisies at Sunrise
Lol, Colton should've popped Jackson right between the eyes with the ball during warm-ups! XD
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