1/10/2014 c8 dipintheriverstyx
To be honest
This story is really good
Though I feel like you've just abandoned all your stories which is really sad
I know I shouldn't have read this but I couldn't help myself
I do hope you decide to finish one day though, I'll keep this story and your others in my tagged alerts
To be honest
This story is really good
Though I feel like you've just abandoned all your stories which is really sad
I know I shouldn't have read this but I couldn't help myself
I do hope you decide to finish one day though, I'll keep this story and your others in my tagged alerts
10/31/2013 c8 Guest
update please!
update please!
5/7/2013 c1 GreysAutumn
BRIER WOOD! I was wondering if you were going to write another book about it ;)
BRIER WOOD! I was wondering if you were going to write another book about it ;)
8/28/2012 c8 ColourCascade
I like the storyline so far... Good plot and writin style and characters. The only thing I have to say is a dont think the start where she's like do they even has television in the country and stuff is very realistic.. I don't know anyone who would ever think that :P so if u did it for a reason I didnt pick up that's fine I'm just saying yeah :) it is a good story so please update again soon please!
I like the storyline so far... Good plot and writin style and characters. The only thing I have to say is a dont think the start where she's like do they even has television in the country and stuff is very realistic.. I don't know anyone who would ever think that :P so if u did it for a reason I didnt pick up that's fine I'm just saying yeah :) it is a good story so please update again soon please!
6/26/2012 c8
5iCY the Polar Kid
Awesome story! I like the development between the characters and the story. I also liked how she actually confronted Kaleb or whatever his name was. Gosh he's such a creepy scary stalker-ish possessive guy. How terrifying. And Ash is just pure awesomeness. She's so strong, l deeply admire her personality and her as a character. Great work.
Upate when you can!

Awesome story! I like the development between the characters and the story. I also liked how she actually confronted Kaleb or whatever his name was. Gosh he's such a creepy scary stalker-ish possessive guy. How terrifying. And Ash is just pure awesomeness. She's so strong, l deeply admire her personality and her as a character. Great work.
Upate when you can!
6/16/2012 c8 doesitmatter
Ha! It feels so good to be back at Brier Wood again! Though i do wish you would update some time soon. :)
Ha! It feels so good to be back at Brier Wood again! Though i do wish you would update some time soon. :)
4/5/2012 c3
I'm so glad you're writing this story about Jaycen! I read Brier Wood las tweek-end I think, and I really thought him to be one of the most interesting characters of the story (maybe more than Fallon).
I hope you will update this story soon... You can definitely count on my following this closely :)

I'm so glad you're writing this story about Jaycen! I read Brier Wood las tweek-end I think, and I really thought him to be one of the most interesting characters of the story (maybe more than Fallon).
I hope you will update this story soon... You can definitely count on my following this closely :)
1/5/2012 c8 falafel
WE MISS YOU AND YOUR STORIES, please come back?
WE MISS YOU AND YOUR STORIES, please come back?
8/6/2011 c8 austenqueen
Well I must say it is great to here back from the Brier Wood crowd! I can't believe I haven't seen this story before, considering I favorited Brier Woods months ago, but I'm glad I found it regardless. I hope you find the time to update soon because I'm loving this romance. Jaycen was always one of my favorite characters.
Hope to here from you soon! :)
Well I must say it is great to here back from the Brier Wood crowd! I can't believe I haven't seen this story before, considering I favorited Brier Woods months ago, but I'm glad I found it regardless. I hope you find the time to update soon because I'm loving this romance. Jaycen was always one of my favorite characters.
Hope to here from you soon! :)
4/17/2011 c8 jblstrk3040
4/5/2011 c1 Rikayla
I literally JUST finished reading "Brier Wood" so I am THRILLED BEYOND THRILLED that you've get a sequel (of sorts) for Jaycen. I loved him more than I did Fallon's character. I am excited :D
I literally JUST finished reading "Brier Wood" so I am THRILLED BEYOND THRILLED that you've get a sequel (of sorts) for Jaycen. I loved him more than I did Fallon's character. I am excited :D
3/31/2011 c8 Jbl Stark
my god i love your stories! they make me laugh and sometimes cry. please update soon i want to find out what happens between Ash, Kable, and Jaycen!
my god i love your stories! they make me laugh and sometimes cry. please update soon i want to find out what happens between Ash, Kable, and Jaycen!
3/16/2011 c8 Kat
Your stories are always a fun read. I love the characters! Hope you update soon!
Your stories are always a fun read. I love the characters! Hope you update soon!
3/3/2011 c1 myrrine
I loved Brier Wood! I'm glad you are going back to the scenery and not necessarily a sequel. New characters, yay! I like Ash a lot, and I also like her strength in character about getting out of the abusive relationship with Eads. Most stories focus on the pain of the abused woman/person, but I like that you are covering the aftermath and close of the relationship. I don't know how often women stand up to their abusers in real life, but I like that she did that. She won 10 points as an all around cool character. Keep up the great writing!
I loved Brier Wood! I'm glad you are going back to the scenery and not necessarily a sequel. New characters, yay! I like Ash a lot, and I also like her strength in character about getting out of the abusive relationship with Eads. Most stories focus on the pain of the abused woman/person, but I like that you are covering the aftermath and close of the relationship. I don't know how often women stand up to their abusers in real life, but I like that she did that. She won 10 points as an all around cool character. Keep up the great writing!