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for Just Smile and Nod

6/20/2014 c9 Hopelessromantic110
I've been on fictionpress for a while but this is my very first review. I just wanted to say that your writing skills are superb. The way you captivate the reader from the very beginning until the end...it's just amazing. I really hope you keep up with this story and write more afterwards because honestly you have a gift with words. Wow! It's utter perfection your writing :) keep it up!
6/20/2014 c9 Samantha
I had been searching and searching for this story. I wanted to read another chapter, but I forgot the name. Please, please, please update very, very, very much sooner than you did this one. But, I loved it and it was immaculate! So, please as soon as possible. And maybe even sooner.
6/20/2014 c9 Meunatuna
Hurray! I love it when you update. Great chap as always! Have you every heard Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez? It reminds me so much of this story. :D
6/20/2014 c9 69Shadowswept
I wanted to review all the chapters in order, but I couldn't wait. Anyway, I'll have time to review the rest while I wait for an update. Thanks for the shout out!
This is such an exciting development. I must be sadistic for feeling that way, but I'm so excited that this scandal will put her on Hayden's radar even before he finds her sketchbook. We got a tantalizing glimpse of him in this chapter, and I'm looking forward to more. Tim added another small piece to the puzzle of Hayden with his take on his personality. I love your pacing on this story, how you reveal things in increments.

I do relate to Alys more and more with each chapter. Sacrificing herself for her friend seemed to her like the only option, and I understand the desire to protect the ones you love. I really hate Mr. Jackson, though, and I hope this backfires on him. I don't like Shannon at all, but I don't hate her. She's still a child-a spoiled, annoying brat-but a child. Mr. Jackson is a selfish sleazeball and has no interest in right and wrong, only in using it to his advantage. Alys's mom is going to be mad, but Alys can point out that she was doing something normal kids do-participating in a prank.

I have found another person to despise. Being glad that a patient hasn't improved goes against everything that a doctor should be. And expressing her feelings through drawing should be encouraged rather than sneered at. I'm glad her mom had enough sense to find another doctor. The fact that the state got involved tells me that a crime was committed. I'm curious whether her dad was involved or only split because he couldn't deal with the stress.
Thanks for posting this so quickly-for me anyway. I know other readers have been waiting longer. Oh, and I like chaotic since it tends to be exciting.
6/20/2014 c1 Julie C
100th to review! Just wanted to let you know I love this so far and you should definetly continue. Im only on chapter four but its been an awesome read!
6/19/2014 c4 Shadowswept
Alys becomes more sympathetic to me with every chapter. She seems to be much more mature than her mom. And there are hints of her having a run in with some evil person in the past. No wonder she has a hard time trusting people. Oh man, that sketch book means so much to her. It's going to be awful for her when she loses it. And the plot thickens! I'm glad you made Mr. Jackson sleazy. I've seen too many stories romanticize the teacher/student hook up, and it's wrong on so many levels.
6/19/2014 c3 Shadowswept
In answer to your author note, yes you should definitely continue this. I can't even imagine how much tension there will be between them when they finally interact if it's this thick now. This story is so deliciously different than most. Usually, the heroine is hyper-aware of the guy's physical attributes, but in this one she's aware of his thoughts. Or at least her perception of his thoughts. I love the mystery of the workings of his mind. I also love how intelligent and aware your heroine is. She is complex and sly, not necessarily the nicest person but very interesting. I know there is some mysterious backstory to her which is yet to be revealed. It's probably why she is the way she is. There are problems between her and her mother, but she's a loyal friend. Her friendship with Karri softens her edges a bit and makes her more sympathetic to the reader.

I love the flashback scene! So sinister and gripping! The tension is building with each reveal. Hayden is like an iceberg with most of his treachery hidden beneath the surface, and it feels like Alys is on a collision course with him. I think he did notice her but either thought her too inconsequential to bother with, or he's just been silently watching her. I can't wait to find out his reaction to her drawings!
6/19/2014 c2 Shadowswept
Another fascinating introduction of an intriguing character. I've come across some fairly cold love interests, but Hayden is subzero. I've always wanted to write a character this distant and cold, but I've never succeeded. Again, your descriptions are incredibly detailed and vivid. I love your style of writing. You describe not only how things look and sound, but also how they feel. Every scene has a particular atmosphere that seems to seep off the page and affect the reader. I love the moodiness of this story. The tension is already crackling, and they haven't even interacted yet. And the drawing in this chapter! Brilliant, ominous, and gorgeous in a creepy way. This story definitely has the potential to be one of my favorite romances ever.
6/19/2014 c1 Shadowswept
I don't think I've reviewed this yet, although I keep coming back to reread it. I think it's a brilliant idea for a story, and it's also so well-written. The story doesn't always live up to the intriguing premise in the description, but this one does. Your main character is interesting, and you've introduced her in a fascinating way. I love the intricate descriptions of her drawing in this opening chapter. It's much more vivid and detailed than one would expect, and it makes me excited to read the rest of the story. If you put this much thought and effort into describing a drawing, then I can't wait to read the descriptions of the action that will take place.
11/24/2013 c8 Alice
Yay, you update! (:
I can't tell you how much I anticipated the return of this story. Keep up the good work & I hope you update soon ((:
11/17/2013 c8 Guest
UPdate soon! PLease! I want to knwo what goin to happen
11/16/2013 c8 Nutcase Enthusiast
That sheep head is quite the thing... I have been waiting for this update for a couple months. It's finally here. You don't know how happy I was. The parallel plot definitely brings some more conflict to the story but I wish you hadn't changed Alys' name. Aleka seemed pretty fierce I must say but that's just me. I hope you are able to write more soon.
11/16/2013 c8 FishXD
I love your story so far. It's brilliant and dark and I can't wait for the clashing between Hayden and Alys to start. I hope you haven't abandoned this story. It says it's complete so I got confused.
11/16/2013 c8 9swedishluck
This chapter was awesome! And I love the cover. It's amazing
11/15/2013 c8 10Nami98
this story just blows my mind
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