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for Just Smile and Nod

9/27/2012 c1 Alice
This is amazing so far ! Please keep updating.
8/3/2012 c5 Dreaminglight
Is Aleka 's dad dead? Or had gotten a divorce?
8/3/2012 c6 DareToSee
LOVE IT! seriously, this is an amazing story!
8/2/2012 c6 10Nami98
love the story so far! :D
8/2/2012 c6 211cina24
This is soo good still! I really enjoyed the editing you did. It was amazing:)
8/2/2012 c6 4Ney13
This idea is absolutely amazing:)
8/2/2012 c5 DareToSee
wow, so sad. I'm not going to lie- i hate her mom. My step mom was the exact same way. Its something you try to get over, but you never really can... KEEP UPDATING!
8/2/2012 c4 DareToSee
You should consider getting this PUBLISHED. this story is amazing. And i love you she's a unicorn! lol, i do feel bad for her though. I'm glad she has a friend like Karri tho...
8/2/2012 c3 DareToSee
this chapter was great. I love how aware she is of everything around her. Please update soon
8/2/2012 c2 DareToSee
Please keep writing this. I love the way you describe people. and this plot line is so original. Its amazing!
8/2/2012 c1 DareToSee
11/3/2010 c5 4Warriors-Skywing
OMG, this is brilliant! I LOVE IT! THE BEST! PLEASE update soon!
8/25/2010 c5 11Liveey123348
Fantastic chapter, keep it up :)



8/20/2010 c5 BabyGirlAlex
Great chappy!Such a shame her mother does not want to introduce her to her friends though:[

Aleka seems to be really talented artist(which only reminds me of how much I suck at drawing;])cant wait for the next chap,update soon!
8/11/2010 c5 Ivix
I really like your story and the characters, I even want to go back to dawing some stuff
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