Just In
for Something Real

10/28/2011 c1 6Beautility
Loved it. The movie lines seem inevitable in writing stories, but having it actually called out as such is brilliant.
6/14/2011 c1 10balloonfista
awwwwww :) I loved how it was a real fight and not just a stupid misunderstanding :)

7/15/2010 c1 26Jhaynee
Adore this! I love the interjection of the movie lines haha. Honestly, at first I was a little iffy with the story because really there wasn't much a of a plot...it felt literally like a snippet and I felt that the charactes were partially one dimensional...but in the end with his whole speech, it opened up a bit more of their personalities. I did like this though, definitely!
6/20/2010 c1 natmarie
Short and sweet. Adorable slice of life with some pretty great movie lines. :)
2/20/2010 c1 1Damned to heaven
Normally I'm articulate enough but all I could think was "lol". Which means loved it.
2/2/2010 c1 Spurlunk
cute, but...eh...i don't know. something about it didn't quite grip me
1/14/2010 c1 82steffxnie
Nice story. :)

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