Just In
for Love and Submission

1/31 c1 Guest
made me read it then take the last chapter away why?
8/6/2020 c5 2Shadow-in-the-dark9111
Ok so, I realize this story was posted years ago, but, I just found it. So this is exactly the type of story ive been searching for. Original, well-written and interesting. Usually I only review completed story's after I've read the whole thing but you deserve praise! Thank you
2/22/2020 c6 zagato
Thank you, I read the complete story and it is wonderful.
5/14/2019 c4 natsu1023
if u have any questions about werewolves just pm me cause I am a werewolf a alpha male werewolf to be exact
5/13/2019 c2 natsu1023
I love it so far
1/13/2019 c6 annabanana1994
I can't access the story on the webpage you posted...
12/14/2014 c1 avidreader92
I already loved how it started so I'm really looking forward to your story. :)
10/29/2014 c25 75AlysonSerenaStone
This was a really good story! I enjoyed every moment of it. I really did like all of the romance of this. Yes, it did kind of put me in the mind of "Twilight," but who really cares? I loved your characters, especially Olivia and Connor. Great work!
5/7/2014 c25 4drake with out
wow , good length and very publishable . i would go for it . (maybe Harper?)
2/17/2014 c1 abc as easy as 123
Just started this. Seems interesting. On with the next .
1/19/2014 c10 Hey
This story is awesome.
12/29/2013 c25 Guest
Rexi here any chance for more!
12/24/2013 c25 2OnyxBuddha
I really liked this story. Good job! :D
11/10/2013 c25 Sorsha
That was absolutely amazing! Great story! :D
11/5/2013 c1 Wicked4life
How is she running if the dog bit her leg?
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