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for It Had To Be You

2/13/2023 c1 Guest
Do you visit Wikia/Fandom? If you do how about you visit Wiki like the Love Interest Wikia, Shipping Wikia, The Fanon shipping Wikia etc? Wikia is also called Wiki due to Wikia is a Wiki like Wikipedia is a Wiki. You can do thing for it like make gifs, add images to categories, create pages etc.
6/27/2022 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Hi there! I'm from a fast-growing online reading platform. Currently, we are looking for new authors to join us. Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
2/26/2022 c5 10Badger In Disguise
Wow! Didn't expect to see the email about this in my inbox but wow! I really did enjoy this chapter, and I'm surprised I remember the details about not only this story, but the first one as well. I'm so happy you updated it.
10/11/2018 c1 Guest
It’s nearing the close of 2018. Very glad to see last year’s update to the Troy & Alyssa sequel, and wondering how feasible it is for former lovers to rekindle the flame. Troy probably still harbours some resentment towards Alyssa, and his roving eye and penchant for the bombshell colleague will never leave Alyssa feeling secure. Their fake engagement should thus be very interesting, in the sparks and gunpowder-duck for cover kind of way.
3/18/2017 c4 Just me
Looking forward to the next chapter! Wonder how Alyssa will react to what Troy have to say
3/14/2017 c3 an old reader
I can to see if you updated on a lark...super excited! Can't wait for more! I miss the old fictionpress crowd!
3/12/2017 c3 ClosetReader
Oooooooh. Can't wait to read about Troy's thoughts after he heard Alyssa's side. Have been wondering about Hayley since she wasn't mentioned in the first chapter. I'm from Singapore! Haha. Tiny thrill that it was mentioned in the story.
3/10/2017 c1 just me
Finally an update! It's been years since I read "clo encounter" so I will go and re read it and come back ;) Looking forward to this!
3/8/2017 c2 ClosetReader
I'm so glad that you're writing again! Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the notification. One small thing though, the time line seems a little weird to me. Have they been apart for 4 or 10 years? Would be good if you could clarify on the time line. Can't wait to read more about them and what Troy would think if he knew what Alyssa saw. Update soon! (:
3/8/2017 c1 Guest
I really hope that the alert I got on this story means you are returning to this sequel!
3/8/2017 c2 Guest
I am sooo happy right now! Can't wait for the next chapter!
3/7/2017 c1 Guest
OMG! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this! You updated! Quick question is this the same chapter or a new version of it?
5/22/2016 c1 anonymous
Hey there,
I would really enjoy a sequel!
1/12/2014 c1 freedom2619
I finish CEI a couple of days ago and found out about this sequel OoO! I will really love to know how things between Troy and Alissa will develop.

P.D: I know it been 3 years since u post this, but I still have hopee ;)
5/7/2013 c1 7Pearl Button
I hope you still love writing because I would love to see where this story goes.
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