Just In
for Asylum

2/20/2010 c2 2Lady Kiri
Hallie is a brave woman. What a way to treat a stranger who saved your life

The opening bathtub scene was very vivid. I thought along the lines of 'wtf?'(Good way) and 'this is interesting' when the water began to boil and lightbulbs began popping.

I'm curious to learn more about Edgar and Hallie

Until next time

Lady Kiri
2/1/2010 c2 3naito-kun
gosh i'm so sorry i only got around to reviewing this now, anyway i love the whole revenge thing (haha am a sucker for stuff like that) but i'm a little confused about who hallie is O: and i loved the whole water and fire thing you did in chapter one.
1/29/2010 c2 dfw
I like your way of describing things. It is certainly special from what I've read so far, really. I look forward to your next chapters. Love your work! XD
1/24/2010 c1 2Lady Kiri
I love your use of imagery. After the first paragraph, I was hooked. I will definitely be reading again.

I didn't check your summary, so I don't know if you review those who review you. Anyway, I've a story that I'd like you to review.

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