Just In
for Killing By Captivation

3/13/2010 c9 4Astarael-11
Aw, yet again cute chapter. I like Paul, he's good at heart but just a little confused as to what he wants. Well, not confused as much as not realising what he wants quite just yet.

Anyway, sorry about the blathering, it was a good chapter and I can't wait to read the rest.
3/11/2010 c9 zoba20
aww he likes her now ! ^^

but would the creator want to marry her?

thanx for the update
3/11/2010 c9 FlowerNinjagurl101
when are they gonna get together?

good stuff

update soon:)
3/11/2010 c9 u wouldjustbe AWESO without ME
so...when he turns mandy in to the devil, than will everything bad on earth going to stop? like the disasters and sudden earthquakes?
3/11/2010 c9 pbgurl
So what happened to her home is whats slowly going to happen to other towns, cities, etc...? Thats so sad :(

-Liz :D
3/11/2010 c9 pinkeclipse
Thanks for the chapter! I can wait for her to decide to not do anything or fight to protect humanity.
3/8/2010 c8 1DarkestOfNights
I know it's just a dream at the end, but that can't be good. I'm guessing she will wake up with a start...where did that saying even come from..anyways and I'm sure Mandy will have a lot of questions and such.
3/6/2010 c8 FlowerNinjagurl101
oh someone's gonna find out the truth!

great work:)

update soon
3/6/2010 c8 u wouldjustbe AWESO without ME
hm the thing is, will mandy believe her dream and accuse paul or will she just call it a nightmare? and did satan break thepromise to paul about turning human? so many questions...

good luck lady femme fatale's team! lol
3/6/2010 c8 4Astarael-11
Uh oh, well it remains to be seen whether Mandy believes the 'dream' or not but the uh oh is definitely for Paul. I liked the dream though, it was well written.

I can't wait to see what her reaction to it is though. But good chapter!
3/6/2010 c8 pinkeclipse
Thanks for the update! How will he prepare her for Satan or is the dream preparing her?
3/6/2010 c8 Evanescence's Love
Something is stirring up. Hope your team wins!
3/6/2010 c8 zoba20
omg i want her and paul to be together...she probably dreamt about paul's creator :(

thanx for updating
3/6/2010 c8 pbgurl
oh wow, so it seems Paul may not even have to tell her the truth since she just dreamed about it.

Good luck! I hope your team wins ^_^

-Liz :D
3/4/2010 c7 Evanescence's Love
I laughed at the last sentence. I just couldn't help it.
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