Just In
for Killing By Captivation

6/18/2011 c19 15Ice Bubble
6/14/2011 c1 Gigi
If your story is going to contain religious bull, maybe you should leave a warning for the readers.
5/31/2011 c30 4Astarael-11
I think this is the last story I can read for a very long time unfortunately, I really must do some study! Your stories make that very difficult and I'm sure that this won't be true and you'll be hearing from me in another coupld of days :P

Anyway, sorry about the ramblings, let's get on to the story. I know that I read about a third of this story before and was even reviewing it but then got uber busy. The rest of it was really good though! I loved reading about how much Mandy and Paul loved each other, it was super-cute, especially what the two were willing to give up for the other.

I very much enjoyed it, it was good and the whole concept was really good. I think the description of Satan was particularly interesting. Not what I was expecting although I was expecting him to be handsome which you did state.

So yes, fantastic story and I will TRY and be good and study but we both know that's not going to happen...
10/14/2010 c4 Bite The Succubus
Ho? Nicely written. I enjoyed this chapter very much so. Mandy seems to have accidentally stumbled upon something bigger than she could ever imagine. Thanks for writing!
10/14/2010 c3 Bite The Succubus
Yet again, you know exactly how to end a chapter. Anyways, nice story. I'm really liking it so far. Thanks!
10/14/2010 c2 Bite The Succubus
Haha, your good at writing the last lines of chapters. Paul's last comment made me smile. I liked the fact that she actually tried to borrow his wings only to realize that the were real, heh.

Thanks so much!
10/14/2010 c1 Bite The Succubus
Heh, I like how you ended the chapter. That last line made me smile. This story has potential. I shall continue on so thanks for writing!
10/8/2010 c30 1Bipolarised

just finished reading the story and i must say i'm really impressed! i really liked how you fit the story together with no cliches and mild romance that does not go over the top. i really liked it. congrats on finishing it, i know how it feels to actually finish a story, extremely difficult.

9/3/2010 c30 LittleFeathers
I read tis story all in one go and it was amazing. Eerything about it I loved. I love all of your stories!
8/17/2010 c30 jmr79au
Loved it! Like all your other stories, it was magnificently written and flowed beautifully.

A job well done. Keep it up.

Jo xxoo
7/25/2010 c8 Aradia Cloud
Is this like a premonition or sumfin?
7/25/2010 c30 Sonja1023
absolutely loved the story!
7/24/2010 c1 Aradia Cloud
I know that I'm gonna figure this out probably in the next chapter, but why can she see his wings?
7/3/2010 c30 ILoveYouAbuser
I quite like this story! Definitely a lovely ending compared to some of my previous reads.
6/29/2010 c30 1Ben Tramsami
My favorite line: "Satan was not a happy camper."

I had fun imagining Satan as a literal camper. You know, in cabins in the woods. And he has this huge frown on his face. It's so funny! I wish I could show you...

Anyways, the story was good and I quite enjoyed reading it. Thanks for your hard work!
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