Just In
for Close to the Vest

4/29/2010 c1 ZombieSlaughter
I miss close to the vest.. it was my favorite story on here :(
4/10/2010 c1 9arsenic3
Why did u take the stories down? i was really looking forward to an update. Oh well, good luck with whatever you are doing.
4/9/2010 c1 2pretitiful

where did your story go?

4/9/2010 c1 6EmmaWoodhouse88
What happened? I went to check my email, and it said it had chapter 25 up, but it's not there. :(
4/9/2010 c1 5flowersinfall
I love this story! And all your others. If they do get published I will buy them all! Really, I would probably pay you right now just to read them again since they have been gone so long :)
4/9/2010 c1 1AlexisLovesYou
WHY? I love this story.
4/9/2010 c14 sappyromancelvr
Here comes the inner turmoil :)

Update soon!
4/9/2010 c14 4Eyes.BehindtheMask
That's so great to hear about the publisher! Please let us know when/where we can buy them if everything goes smoothly! I can't wait to buy a copy of the entire series-I'm so addicted to your writings and can't wait for each new chapter, so a copy of each book would be amazing!
4/9/2010 c14 2Its.Not.Me.Its.You
congrats on the publisher thing if you get published im going to buy everyone of your books! but i totally want an autographed copy!

this was an amazing update

cant wait for more
4/9/2010 c14 CoryD
Wow - congrats on the interest from the publisher! Hope that pans out for you, and be sure to let us know if it does. Hopefully they'll do ebooks as well as paper (I like ebooks for the convenience!)
4/9/2010 c14 1Jevanminx
Gah, the Evvy suspense is killing me, and yet so keeping me on my toes so I can't hate ti that much.

4/9/2010 c14 animegirl214
Ah! ur getting published? (maybe?)


thanks so much for this chapter!

if u DO get published, imma try and buy AL ur books! i just love ur writing! :D
4/9/2010 c14 Need the Happy Ending
Congrats! I kinda figured that's why all your stories disappeared.

You should do a hockey story. ;)
4/9/2010 c14 2ShrimpoJewels
That's soo exciting! I knew you removed it for something along those lines, it'll be sad to see this one not updated but the other series will definitely keep me busy. Definitely keep us updated I want to be one of the first few to buy it...granted I have the ones from lulu but it'll be more fun from a store =)
4/9/2010 c14 1walkonair
I'm so happy for you!

I've been waiting for this, because I knew that, at some point, you'd have to stop posting on FictionPress. I'll miss your stuff, especially the 'Phone Calls' characters (though a redo of 'Three and O' would be a fine consolation :)

I may email you to get the story outline. Or, maybe I'll wait and buy it when it's in print.

Thank you, and I wish you the best in the publishing world. You may not want to do this, but have you considered starting a LiveJournal or a blog to chronicle the publishing/editing process? (Your potential publisher may not want you to do that. I'm not trying to get you in trouble, I swear! :D)

Keep us posted!
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