Just In
for Thieves of Samurett

2/11/2010 c1 tennawrites
Oh a new one! Can't wait for more :)
2/10/2010 c1 We Used To Wait
Well, well, well. Look who decided to finally drop by and post something... I missed you! Hugs and kissies.

I'm soso glad you posted up another story. Hopefully my stupid mind can comprehend this simpler plot line. Bleeding Christ, I struggled to understand so many plot lines in your stories. I can see your writing style switched already. Oh, the quote from Julius Caesar was spine tingling. Kept me wondering what could possibly happen in this story that's relatable to a quote like that. A quote from a tragedy, no less.

And yes, the opening of this story. Not what I would expect... it was sad! What are you thinking? You put your characters through so much torture. But it's kinda sexay. Hehe.

Solike... I'm assuming you're gonna -hopefully- update Rent soon (pretty sure it was called that. gosh, I can't remember the names of stories on fp anymore). Whoops.

So yeah, I already like the MC, and that's a good sign. Hopefully the confusion in this chapter will evaporate as the story goes on and more confusing stuff comes up. So glad to hear from you again. Ta ta 4 nowz.

update soon.

2/10/2010 c1 1readaholicxxx
I'm looking forward to following this one-it's great so far!
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