Just In
for There She Glows

7/5/2018 c2 Guest
Love how you connected characters from your other oneshot and this was like another part to "Live a Little".
1/26/2011 c2 lolacocacola97
"but when Neil made a sleazy comment about possibly reproducing with Lola in the back of the theatre, she realised that he was a genuinely nice guy."

So why exactly did Lola think he was nice when he made a(proabably)rude comment about her?
11/12/2010 c2 2elma
wow.. your characters are so .. alive! i feel like jamie's spirit is dulled a bit. i mean , i know she isn't the main character here but .. yeah.. dulled. lola is obviously meant to shine here. and neil is so cool/hilarious/funny without overdoing it. and i didn't see that in him in the other story... but yeah. its really cool. all of your characters are really likeable :D
6/4/2010 c2 1P.F Ally
OMG AWW :D HAHA i love neil
5/20/2010 c2 truebleu

I am ecstatic that this story is complete, and I was just so sad that Lola's story had no type of closure, so I am just really happy you updated.I can't wait for your other stories!

3/4/2010 c1 truebleu
Please post part two.
2/16/2010 c1 7gulistala
Obviously Daryl's cheating on Lola. I really do wonder, though, with who.
2/13/2010 c1 13blurrylights
ooh! Daryl is a cheater!

Anyway, I like the mesh of the two worlds. Very well transitioned so far. I'm curious to see where you go with this, so update soon!
2/13/2010 c1 2whitecrayons
yay story!

2/13/2010 c1 3Katie Valentine
I love NEIL! He sounds hot! LOL. And he's irritating, just like how typical guys are.. =D

Poor thing, I do hope you didn't lose a lot of documents! *hugs*

CAN'T WAIT for part TWO!
2/12/2010 c1 2asianinvasion0530
Aww I'm sorry to hear about losing your documents! =[ But I'm glad that you have a backup.

Anyways, hmm seems like Daryl's cheating on Lola...
2/12/2010 c1 samora
Neil is awesome and I remember nina and joseph and jaime and ricky oh good to see them all.

This is very cute and I love lola's feistiness.can't wait for part 2.
2/12/2010 c1 darlingshay
great story cant wait for the next chapter

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