Just In
for Provenance I: Verlangen

2/22/2010 c6 CoryD
Liked his mother
2/22/2010 c6 merecedeslove
Aww that's so sweet of the mom. At least she seems to believe her and is not a total mama's boy. I hope this will help her bond with Ashland some how.
2/22/2010 c6 3Rose Pound
His mom was a total b, but the fact that she comforted Mari really kinda told me that they'd get along great! Cant wait for the next chapter!
2/21/2010 c5 merecedeslove
Yeah I want to know what to know what Ashland's thinking. To know his thought process and why he can't just calm down! yeah
2/21/2010 c5 terpsichore
This story is amazing! I love the plot and the pace, and I think you could probably put in a chapter of ashland's POV without messing up the flow too much. But keep it up and please post again soon!
2/21/2010 c4 Chalger
Love this, your take of werewolves out in the open is really unique, I can't wait to see where you take this. Though Ashland seriously needs to be taken down a few pegs and him and the rest of the pack need to understand why Mari IS still upset! I can't wait for more please update soon!
2/21/2010 c4 Megan
Interesting storyline. Looking forward to future chapters!
2/20/2010 c4 merecedeslove
Well that's good that she had a friend who was telling her what her other friends were telling her but in a different way. Maybe now she'll give him a chance and they'll actually be able to have a real date and maybe even relationship. Can't wait for the next chapter!
2/19/2010 c3 INACTIVEACCOUNT5678
Hi! Your story is great so far, but I just wanted to point something out: at the end of this chapter, just the last paragraph, you suddenly changed from first person point of view to third person. Just wanted to let you know, since for a second when I was reading I got pretty confused ^_^

Anyways, keep writing and update soon please! :D
2/19/2010 c3 merecedeslove
This is a cool story. I love the plot it's very different. I can't wait to see what you have her do next to pay him back.
2/17/2010 c2 2starchild8790
Interesting so far

update soon
2/17/2010 c1 WriterGurl123
Great introduction! It wasn't your typical werewolf romance story. The fact that she knows that Ashland is a wolf, I think makes the story a whole hell of a lot cliche than most.

Very interesting! Keep up the good work.
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