Just In
for Men Shopping

3/17/2010 c1 1Ninja Dakoda
This was pretty funny, good job. xD
3/14/2010 c1 KonataIzumi1
*gasp* kudos to you! that was the best one I read all-*laughs* day! *dies from hysterical laughter*
3/5/2010 c1 38PersonofthePen
God I love this!
3/3/2010 c1 lilaclia
Ahaha, oh my god. That was hilarious! I loved it:) I can just imagine someone doing all that. I laughed at EVERY one. :D great job! :D
3/1/2010 c1 perverse
hahah it was veyr funny. i needed a laugh, desperately. thanks ;D

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