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for Best of You

8/4/2010 c2 4Sweet-Cakesz24
Your a really amazing writer. I love the fact that you write with alot of detail and stuff. Woww I can't believe he like feel in love with Elijah with this one night of amazing sex.. I wonder if it will last. Also I'm curious about the guy he was thinking about before Elijah came.. I wonder who he is?
7/19/2010 c18 A.Written.Tragedy
I love it I love it I love it. This is really bittersweet and sad for me right now, but I love it all the same.
6/29/2010 c19 papier.daffys
I started this not thinking about the length and then fell in love with it as I kept reading. I love the summer-y slowness of the story, nice and sweet like honey dripping off of a spoon. The entire time I was praying, hoping, that the story wouldn't have some drastic, over-the-top plot twist like in all those Korean dramas, because something like that always occurs and ruins a perfectly good story going at its own pace. Thanks for writing it! and I eagerly await more.
6/25/2010 c18 BlueMoonlily
aw! i loved this chapter *hearts* it was great! happy and awesome and OMG PROMISE RING? THAT IS THE CUTEST THING EVER!
6/24/2010 c19 8deshaunwalker
i love the story! hope you update soon! :)
6/24/2010 c17 BlueMoonlily
wow threesome...interesting lol i definitely wouldnt be secure enough to do that XD

great chapter though its really sweet that mike would do that for elijah :)
6/24/2010 c16 BlueMoonlily
hehe yay awesome as always :) im glad joe is doing better and elijah is starting to get his GED
6/24/2010 c15 BlueMoonlily
aw *hearts* i love baths they're so relaxing
6/24/2010 c14 BlueMoonlily
aw *hearts*

im glad elijah and joe talked and everything thats good...but its probably going to cause trouble for mike and elijah..which is not good lol
6/24/2010 c13 BlueMoonlily
hehe your endings are always awesome they make me want to keep reading!
6/24/2010 c12 BlueMoonlily
hehehehehehehehe i loved this chapter

i like jeanine too lol

6/24/2010 c11 BlueMoonlily
oh my god that dream had me hurting just like elijah! i felt so sorry for him and i was so happy that it was just a dream

the whole chapter was awesome and amazing like always great job :)
6/24/2010 c10 BlueMoonlily
lmao i like you:P

yay for awesome chapters!:D im so glad that elijah is happy *hearts* he's so cute lol
6/23/2010 c6 BlueMoonlily
hehe aw:D:D great chapter! they are so cute together i love it!
6/23/2010 c5 BlueMoonlily
aw *hearts* i love them! so cute:D
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