Just In
for Best of You

3/4/2010 c2 15Zebbie
hmm. I'm not in a sexy mood right now. I got the affection vibe and the bond forming a lot better than last time (when I didn't really buy it, but went along for the ride) but I'm not feeling the hotness. This is most likely entirely me and my brainstate, which is probably a sign I should come back to the rest another time!
3/4/2010 c1 Zebbie
Welcome back sweetheart. You had me quite frustrated with you 'poof I'm gone' routine - made me realise how much I love this story when I thought I'd never get to see it finished.

I don't remember the original well enough to realise what's changed, but the writing's strong and as always you do the sexy bits very well.

Take care

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