Just In
for The Shattered Mind

7/4/2014 c1 5Max Sorrell
I love your introduction. I'd probably spend my last days with my family Also I feel like a lot of people will try to find God if they knew they knew they are going to die soon .
1/10/2013 c17 octopus
I'm not going to try and review this story because I'm terrible at crtitcism, but I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading this. Keep up the good work. :D
9/30/2012 c17 4Eternal Evening
Wow. I just relished that little hint at the end! My favorite parts are always when you include Damon's strange little monologues that digress to encompass specific details about him and Lou. It's just so heartbreaking to read that. I'm looking forward to more, as usual!

Love, Evening. :)
8/30/2012 c16 Eternal Evening
Finally, the next chapter! And a great one! As usual, I can totally feel Damon's grief here, in his own sarcastic, almost snarky way. It's wonderful. I like this: If Lou had been here she would have lightened the mood by either burping the alphabet (seriously, what a woman, how could I not love her?) or by coming out with a lame Dad joke. Just ouch.

But I'm looking forward to the action too! Great job, and I look forward to your next update! As usual!

Love, Evening. :)
6/21/2012 c12 Eternal Evening
AWESOME. Here comes the action! I love it, everything's still there: Damon's cynism and other idiosyncrasies as musing to himself, mostly sarcastically. I like him more and more. I like this line: But in America they thought to put peanut butter and jam together so hey, anything's possible. Damon through and through! Looking forward to the next chapter!

Evening. :)
5/31/2012 c11 Eternal Evening
Oh, my god. Damon? Obsessive? No way! Of course he was just sick with worry, and not psychotic or anything like that. Wow, you've got me really riled up over this. Great job! I love this bit: "you show me a man who says he can read a woman's mind and I'll show you a liar." Humorous as always! And, again, there are those little anecdotes and sarcastic bits Damon slips in. Love them. Love this fic, looking forward to the next update!

Evening. :)
5/20/2012 c10 Eternal Evening
Love it! Again! I'm really moved by the way Damon slips in little anecdotes of he and Lou, and the way he talks to himself all the time. It's really engaging, too, the way he's being sarcastic and funny all the time, while being grievous sometimes. The ending of the chapter, for example, just kills me. I like to see it as a defense mechanism against his loss. And he and Lou's little arguments? Killing. Love them. Gotta love this fic!

Evening. :)
5/13/2012 c9 Eternal Evening
Oh, my goodness, I love this. It's just so great! You described his pain and grief very, very well, while still not overdoing it, and showing us just what a sensitive but strong man Damon is. I love this part: "I watched as the world kept moving", and that whole paragraph. Yes, sometimes we really don't realise that our grief is our own, and I am so touched by the way Damon is grieving over Lou. He loves her so much. Can't wait for the action to kick in!

Love, Evening. :)
4/22/2012 c8 Eternal Evening
Oh, God. No. Just no. Amazing, you're a great writer and plotter. Aside from the shell-shock of the turn of events-which was, all along, imminent-I enjoy immensely the way Damon narrates. He's sarcastic and humorous, while sensitive and worried. Really great and I'm sorry I took so long to review this.

Love, Evening. :)
4/7/2012 c7 Eternal Evening
Great! I like seeing that Ted isn't a zombie. Looking forward to the next chapter!
3/15/2012 c6 Eternal Evening
Very good. I like a mix of thriller and drama, with an undercurrent of romance. You've got me very worried about Lou, and very eager for the next chapter.

Love, Evening. :)
3/12/2012 c5 Eternal Evening
Oh, wow. Astounded again, very great chapter. I love this: "My missus reckons it's a woman's prerogative." I almost laughed out loud at that (would have if I was alone)! I also like the random thought part, the one about me man, you woman. Haha you've got a funny streak in addition to your smashing writing skills! I also know that you're going to tantalize us further, and what'll follows in the next chapter is probably the police informing Damon that he can only file a missing person report after 24 hours. Looking forward to it as usual!

Love, Evening. :)
3/9/2012 c4 Eternal Evening
It seems a bit dry in the beginning, but it gives good background :) true what he says about walking in another's shoes. You make me so sympathetic towards him, and so impatient for the next chapter! Good job and I'm looking forward to an update! Gosh, I'm so worried about where Lou is.

Love, Evening. :)
3/5/2012 c2 Eternal Evening
Oh, my bad-you ARE published. And well you should be! Perhaps I will pick up a copy one day...

Love, Evening. :)
3/5/2012 c3 Eternal Evening
Amazing! I do believe that you write with the style, grace and skill of a published writer-which is why you should be published. I'm not paying lip service, you know, I hardly ever do. It's true; you do write very, very well indeed.

Love, Evening. :)
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