Just In
for Little Prince

6/19/2016 c1 Zahra
4/11/2010 c1 recycle rhymes
i love this one. it really goes with "keening" could almost be a prequel to it.
4/5/2010 c1 871no.peace.los.angeles
I think the last two lines of this are the strongest and most striking. An interesting piece, for sure. Keep writing! :)
3/26/2010 c1 1k+Faithless Juliet
The detail in this was a bit compartementalized - you spend the whole poem discoursing on how ample the other person is compared to the writer, (clver twist on the title as well) but I didn't get anything more then the stature of the subject, any other meaning seemed a bit obsure to me. Nice job as usual though, I particularly enjoyed "if you had a womb" and so on.

Much love,

3/26/2010 c1 1Ganondorf The Dark Knight
I appreciate the title you chose for this piece. You set an eccentric scene that drew me in right up front. And the ending, why, the ending, the final two lines are what really makes this piece, I come to think. What a precious, and full of metaphorical meaning, image. "If you had a womb, I'd fit in it," all prior led up to this and it was breathtaking. I also noticed a certain calmness, a serenity held by the narrator, which reflected to the reader, namely with that final line.


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