Just In
for Crash and Burn

2/11/2014 c22 jerrellsgirl112606
I love this story so much it is just amazing please please up date soon!
2/9/2014 c22 Katie
Love this!
2/9/2014 c22 mylittleprincess
YaY! they kiss and make up,update please.
2/2/2014 c22 Hayit'Serenity
OH MY GAWD! So happy you updated! I thought something happened and then i checked me emails and *BAM* YOU UPDATED! *dances around happily* WOOOO! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR UPDATING! Hayit'sSerenity
1/31/2014 c22 2BurstofPassion
thr0ughout the whole chapter i was just thinking of pharell.
1/28/2014 c21 Guest
Pleeeaaaase update soon!
1/19/2014 c21 Katie
Amazing! Read NSCH ages ago and when I found out you had posted this I read it all in a day! Can't wait till next update :D
1/1/2014 c21 BlueMoonlily
cant wait for the next chapter! is it coming soon? its been a while!
12/28/2013 c21 JamAisTago
I'm already squirmming in anticipation. It's been a month already. But no worries, as long as you're alive, you'll pull through. ;)
12/23/2013 c21 1QuirkyDebutante
I've been checking this story almost everyday just to see if you have posted Ch22. I'm sooo excited already. Anticipation overloaded.
12/21/2013 c21 Issie
Love love love!
11/29/2013 c21 2nightshade97
You have got to update this story. I am going to crazy not knowing what's going to happen to them! I love it so far!
11/19/2013 c21 E
“more that what I would’ve” “more THAN”
“me coming so she could catch me” me coming (,) so
“made me heart melt” made MY
11/17/2013 c21 jerrellsgirl112606
I love this. I can't wate to read more. Please please update soon.
11/16/2013 c21 mylittleprincess
Nice chapter! update please.
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