Just In
for Crash and Burn

10/9/2013 c19 foreternity
yay cant wait! only 3 chapters left ! :) and omg the copy and paste feature has been disabled :o since when LOL i never noticed that!
10/9/2013 c19 Guest
I bet that he was going to ask her parents for permission to marry her :)
10/5/2013 c18 1Bookworm-At-Starbucks
loving it!
10/4/2013 c18 jerrellsgirl112606
I loved this chapter it was amazing! Keep up the amazing job I can't wate to read more!
9/27/2013 c18 3ACleverPenName
I've read this and the prequel in two days you for such wonderful stories!
9/26/2013 c18 mylittleprincess
amazing chapter!
9/24/2013 c17 Mary
What are the chances you'll be updating really soon? Because I absolutely love the story and I need to know what happens next!
9/21/2013 c17 lindallama
oooooh i can't wait for the next chapter haahahah
ah they are so cute :3
i wish fictionpress boys were real :'(
9/21/2013 c5 1bookwurm247
I'm assuming that she knows about him and Regan?
9/21/2013 c3 bookwurm247
I forgot to mention this but who's wedding is it? And it's so awesome that Tori and Regan are on friendly terms at least. I have a feeling he is going to show up at this wedding.
9/21/2013 c2 bookwurm247
I know I hate love triangles too. They are just so frustrating to me. But they make the story way more interesting, no? Anyway I love that iy has a sequel. I can't believe they broke up though! :(
9/18/2013 c17 Guest
I just loved this. You are an amazing wrighter keep up the good work and please update soon.
9/18/2013 c17 Hayit'Serenity
Game time! Nice way to the finish the chapter ! Now you have to update soon ! Like now ! I have to know what happens next ! Hayit'sSerenity
9/18/2013 c17 lostlamb
Love the chapter.
9/17/2013 c17 mylittlePRINCESS
update soon please.
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