Just In
for New Life

7/14/2010 c7 29Unmasked identity
Love it! Hey, I like the song Your gonna go far kid, know any other good song by them? Keep writing, love!
7/14/2010 c7 4UrBeautifulAddiction
Raped. what? ahh

Greeat updates
7/12/2010 c6 1AshTempest
Thanks for explaining it to me :) and I'm glad that you didn't loose intrest. Other than that this seems quiet intresting, the fact that she was rapped. I hope as the story continues you will tell us more about her past and relationship with Matt.

Thanks again and hope you do write more!

7/11/2010 c5 AshTempest
no thank you. :) thanks again for uploading this.

I don't think kelsey is crazy, I thnk she's hyper.

Being crazy is simmilar to being Irrational and making illigocal decisions, so what you wrote there is her being completely hyper. I guess you lost interest in the story since you only wrote a paragraph, so I understand.

If you still wan to upload , then thats cool.

But if you did loose intrest then don't try. I know how it feels when you lost intrest in writting something but then you still had to write it.


"but like what?" got me cunfused ohnestly.
7/7/2010 c5 29Unmasked identity
Hahaha.. That sounds just like you.. I love/miss you too, love! ttyl ♥ Haha, remember the British talking thing!
7/7/2010 c5 4UrBeautifulAddiction
I like it so far. More? Please?
6/28/2010 c4 1AshTempest
hey! i love your story! but why dont you write more! i cant wait! :D
5/4/2010 c1 60FelleLLoyd
I like the storyline, & the characters. However, there's a little too much dialogue in the story. Perhaps you could use more descriptions? Nonetheless, I think this has a lot of potential.
4/6/2010 c4 29Unmasked identity
A.W.E.S.O.M.E! Awesome! :) ♥

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