Just In
for teacups

2/19/2013 c1 3fellintothemoon
Hi there, darling! Good news. This poem has been reviewed by yours truly and has been added to the A Drop of Romeo site under the Poetry category. Here's your review:

Melissa Thinks: You know a poem is good when it gives you chills; this one did that and more. "teacups" is absolutely stunning. his terrible beauty does something with words that just makes me melt. For such a short amount of words, emotion seems to be bursting out of the piece. The angst, heartbreak, confusion, love: they all just hit you in the face while reading. The words seem almost lyrical, flowing like warm butter on toast. "teacups" has a steady rhythym, an intense message, it's easy to follow, and it leaves you breathless.
7/15/2012 c1 4aria's melody
really amazing
10/16/2011 c1 Awesome. Sauce
This is wonderful. Sauce. And accurate. Sauce. And just basically amazing and self-regretful and you've probably guessed who this is by now haven't you.

Anyway, a job extremely well done *hands over cookies and metronomes*
7/22/2011 c1 Aixie
This poem is beautiful. I love the rhythm. 3
4/23/2011 c1 25Kyllex

It's good. Real good.

I love it; it almost sounds like it could be the lyrics to a song. A really sad song, but still. I can't write poetry worth crap, so these kinds of things never cease to amaze me.

Nice job!
4/5/2011 c1 153Phibonacci
I love this poem. Great job =)
8/29/2010 c1 24fairies and snapple
I kinda love this. Because it describes that wretched late-night reconsideration so well. Lovely.
5/26/2010 c1 Sakiikumi2
Poetry has always been one of the things i don't like. I just never read it. But i stumbled upon this and really, you are a beautiful writer. You can fit so much emotion into so little words. You've got real talent :)
5/3/2010 c1 2before it rains
this is gorgeous.

i applaud you for writing something so morbidtwistedlovely.

definitely faving,


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