2/16/2013 c1 desie
i really liked this. it's very relatable for me; sometimes i wish i was fifty years old just so someone would take me seriously for a change. out of all of your poems that i've read, i like this one the best.
i really liked this. it's very relatable for me; sometimes i wish i was fifty years old just so someone would take me seriously for a change. out of all of your poems that i've read, i like this one the best.
5/31/2011 c1 TrulyDevious
I like how you pin point everything adults say to people who are younger than them. The pitch is wonderful.
One thing to watch out for, when you shorten words like Spectacles I feel like it takes away a little of the flow to the piece. Along with Full-adorned. But other than that I really enjoyed this.
Keep it up :]
I like how you pin point everything adults say to people who are younger than them. The pitch is wonderful.
One thing to watch out for, when you shorten words like Spectacles I feel like it takes away a little of the flow to the piece. Along with Full-adorned. But other than that I really enjoyed this.
Keep it up :]
5/1/2010 c1
1Electric Colours
This is so weird because it makes me wonder how much easier life would be if i was older..
I can't really give you a good enough review because i'm hungover but i really adore this because there is so much truth to it. And you're just an amazing writer, and i'm insanely jealous you fiend. x x

This is so weird because it makes me wonder how much easier life would be if i was older..
I can't really give you a good enough review because i'm hungover but i really adore this because there is so much truth to it. And you're just an amazing writer, and i'm insanely jealous you fiend. x x