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1/8/2023 c33 Guest
I’ve read Rejected once or twice every year since I came across this beautiful story several years ago. It is an absolute masterpiece. I absolutely love the redemption arc, and Delilah and Damien are incredible, I love watching him fall so hard for her each time. For some reason, I had no idea that you had written additional chapters that include the post engagement scene, dance scene and wedding scene, it is such a delight! It’s an absolute treat and I loved it, it’s exactly how I pictured it for our beloved couple. I’d love to see a chapter where Delilah kisses Damien and flirts with him first, that would really throw him off balance. Thank you for writing this wonderful story again, which has been a source of comfort and will continue to be so for me, and thank you for the additional chapters which show their love and life post declaration, I hope these will continue as you have avid readers who will take lots of delight in them!
4/12/2021 c1 AvegaLil
This is a pretty good book If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on Novel Star, just submit your story to or
1/14/2021 c33 Guest
Omgggg I love this story so much. It's one of the most perfect, romantic, beautiful stories I have ever read
1/13/2021 c33 Guest
I want to read little drabbles of their future, their kids and everything. I just cant stop being obsessed with them. I love this story so much
9/22/2020 c31 Guest
I have never run so fast to read a Chapter in my life, 3 years ago I adored this story and forever more now.
6/29/2019 c29 evelyn
So you will be adding further one shots, i mean even after "Firepalce"? Please say yes! I want more of these two!
5/26/2019 c1 2Slenderman's proxy
I'm sobbing for some reason xD Sorry, I'm a weirdo. It's just that this story brings back so many memories for me. I had stumbled across this on Wattpad years back, around 2012-13 if I'm not mistaken, way before I was aware what Wattpad and the like were used for. This was the first original fictional work I retain any memory of reading. I had been blown away by your impeccable and exemplary writing skills. This was incomplete on Wattpad back then and I had been depressed about it, for like a few years before I had discovered the completed version on fiction press. And now, even after so many years, this story never fails to bring out that girl in her early teens, fresh into the world of reading, jumping in joy and vibrating in anticipation and excitement over a new update. I always find myself coming back here every two months to seek comfort and solace. My safe haven *Cries happy tears and blows nose*
Alright alright I'll stop now. I'm taking this novel to my grave. This has been said time and time again, but thank you so much for writing this extraordinary piece of work!
4/4/2019 c25 Guest
the beginning of this chapter especially reminded me of pride and prejudice... delilah's mother is basically mrs. bennet
4/4/2019 c25 Guest
story was simple but really good with likable characters even when they did dumb things (cough damian cough). thank you.
3/9/2019 c30 heal me forever
Beautiful story. Loved it! You are an amazing writer.
2/11/2019 c30 4theblacksheepinme
here i was chilling... taking a trip down memory lane... trying to read old stories for comfort... and then BAM! Rejected- updated feb. 7, 2019. I COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES. after 9 years and you can still tell us the stories of your characters vividly. You are amaaaahzing!
12/9/2018 c29 zagato
wonderful, thank you!
12/8/2018 c1 Guest
Even though it’s been a while since I first stumbled upon this story I find myself returning to it with such regularity it’s almost creepy... haha. Kudos to you.
12/4/2018 c29 Guest
Wonderfully written and a truly amazing story I could not get enough of. Thank you for sharing it with us! I wish though your sequel with Cecelia was complete.
1/25/2018 c28 Guest
It's too short...
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