Just In
for I'm Not Alice but I'm Alice

5/12/2010 c3 29Unmasked identity
HATE! XDXD sorry.. you set it up.. kidding.. I love you please don't kill me! Whats wrong with this chapter?.. seems fine to me.. and please yes, dumb it down.. you know I'm a little slow now a days..heh
5/12/2010 c2 Unmasked identity
Why am I a loser if I read your stories? I want to, and would most likely be 'mysteriously' mauled if I didn't... Really super good! I like how you use their first and last names too. adds a nice touch.or.. look... P'S you put skirts twice! :) Love ya! P.P.S. Confusing is good, but bad. Mght want to add a little explinations, cause if it gets too confusing no one will read it.. except me of corse.. ;)♥
5/12/2010 c1 Unmasked identity
Love it. Absolutely confusing and twisted.. :) beautiful. sigh.. You really should be working on your other stories, but still, these are lovely, so they're good.. :D
5/12/2010 c3 3Michi Leona
Uh, well I can't really say anything about it yet, since all three chapters are pretty short and all. You did put an interesting twist on Alice in Wonderland, and I'm interested in what happens when Alice actually goes to Wonderland. I liked the first chapter, but the two chapters after that seemed a bit more... boring. So I guess I'll just wait for the plot to pick up. Same for the characters. Except Alice Kingsley, none of the other characters really strike a chord in me yet. Alice Kinsley seems like the somewhat cliche goth, tough girl, and Alex the cheeky, tough guy. But you've only got 3 chapters out, so I'll just wait for more. Please, do write more!
5/11/2010 c2 3Its a maze of Jaffas
Um...Well, It's an interesting and-unusual? storyline but like you added somewhere, Im REALLY REALLY REALLY (and ill add one more really for fun, woops i just wrote one-make that two more) REALY, confused. So, although it might be the style your going for, just make it a little more...informational (if that's a word) and yeah, KEEP WRITING!

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