Just In
for In the Amber Light

10/16/2024 c1 ME
That was an amazing story! I am definitely going to follow that author! My only regret about this story is that it is not a novel.
2/2/2021 c1 anonymousnn
Love it!
9/15/2019 c1 Guest
Truly loved this!
8/10/2017 c1 Otaku ami
Lol this is like a crazy sweet love story
5/15/2015 c1 annayh44
No kiss? but i am truely in love with this story !
1/4/2015 c1 BANANANA
THIS STORY WAS AMAZING! I really really liked the way you hinted at Elijah's Christianity like it was normal, which is rare here. Also, you're descriptions were lovely.
11/22/2014 c1 8DenimKitty
I absolutely love this :) The characters, the friendship/romance and the photography all make this a great story to me.
4/1/2014 c1 4R. Ficst
Very sweet.
Lovely short story.
11/25/2013 c1 1leavesfallingup
Finding a camera with film like that one (the soldier story) would be better than finding buried treasure. What amazing stories could be told.

A very nice one-shot.
11/1/2013 c1 1Belly boo1099
Ahah that was omg great story
7/22/2013 c1 53Stephlikeswriting
Awww that was adorable. Their characterizations were great!
7/12/2013 c1 dreeming
Nawww so much love for these two! And all the photography!
4/26/2013 c1 exogenesissymph
Awesome "escaping into the sunset" ending
I could feel the strands of amber light in your story.
Well done
12/8/2012 c1 HeadOverHeelsInHate
Awwww! So freaking cute! Eek! Love it!
9/15/2012 c1 heal me forever
wow just so LIVELY bang on job its crazy nd freaking awesum ..NO WORDS totally in love wid d stry (:
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