Just In
for Singularly Awesome

7/12/2022 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Hello! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
4/22/2011 c2 2igotseoul
i like it like it. ;)
12/3/2010 c9 10amethyst-y
Your story is totaly awesome! I love it. Please update soon!
11/2/2010 c9 Taurus05
Couldn'e be bothered to sign in, but I wanted to leave a review.

I LOVED this chapter!


But Nate, god, this guys has mood swings, doesn't he? Lol.

Pleasee be back soon! I loved it! More!
11/2/2010 c9 dfghjklcvbnmm
At least you posted. Now post some more ;P
11/2/2010 c9 fullybooked
man that was scary!
11/2/2010 c5 glitter-whisper
cute chapter. haha a brother prasing his siter? that dont happen often.. keep up the good job!
9/22/2010 c8 1Taurus05
Hi there,

I liked this chapter, but I want more of Nate and Olivia! Pleasee! I have a feeling I will see more of them two in thr next chapter where olivia as Olivia will meet the guys. I hope I will! Thanks for updating by the way, and I hope you can do it more often. :D
9/21/2010 c8 dfghjklcvbnmm
9/21/2010 c7 1OhYikesCharlie
I like your story, update soon please :D
9/21/2010 c6 dfghjklcvbnmm
Lots of embarrassment for her. Poor poor Olivia
9/21/2010 c3 dfghjklcvbnmm
Oh dear =/ She's being verily embarressed
9/21/2010 c2 dfghjklcvbnmm
9/21/2010 c1 dfghjklcvbnmm
Oh dear shitee
9/21/2010 c2 Kristen
Very exciting and interesting
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