Just In
for Dilemmas of a Class Clown

8/31/2019 c1 Shailaputri
I think he could have proposed her in more sweet words.
6/8/2016 c1 Guest
So good! God the feels during the last part! Your a great author, keep writing.
3/12/2014 c1 75AlysonSerenaStone
I really enjoyed this one shot! I liked how so much of it was told in dialogue!
1/5/2014 c1 Fun-Size
Honestly if someonee called me short, ugly, AND questioned my intelligence I wouldn't even give him a chance to speak. I would probably sock him in the eye. But this is fluff so my opinion does not matter. I still REALLY liked it though. The sad thing is is that I AM short, and not pretty, but I do pride myself in being in fact VERY intelligent if my grades say otherwise.

I'm off topic...

Either way I bow down to your writing expertise. YOUR AWESOME!
12/29/2013 c1 Jewel
I. FREAKIN . OMG THIS WAS PERFECT I am sooooooooooo in love with her she is just like me only difference is not only am I a plain Jane but I'm ugly to so that will never happen for me other then that she is just like me
12/13/2013 c1 2bubublacz
hahaha enjoyed this one :)
10/29/2013 c1 1APassionForReadingAndWriting
How cute! :D :D
9/7/2013 c1 4Princess Wanderer
I wouldn't let anyone kiss me if he insulted my intelligence. crush or no crush.
7/2/2013 c1 Hazine
New favorite author of mine. Thanks for the great stories, keep 'em coming!
1/16/2013 c1 15thenifoundfivedollars


I loved this, short and sweet. And anything with a Zoolander quote works for me. Thanks for sharing!
12/20/2012 c1 Guest
That was nice :)
12/19/2012 c2 2Arowana Princess
It was pretty good. I wish there was another chapter saying what happened. My only criticism: what happened to Dean's 'girlfriend'? You know, the one at laser tag.

And personally, I hope Dean can set his little bro at the plagiarizer.
12/18/2012 c1 DottedHearts
Cute! love story!
12/18/2012 c2 2frostykitten
Having dealt with the frustration of plagiarism myself, I went to that story to check it out... It's not there so the unleashing the fury kind of stalled. (I used the story id number since your link seems to be missing a bit)

Maybe it's down already?

9/15/2012 c1 Ashley-ann
it was really good i Google romantic drama movies and for some reason this came up i clicked it i soon realized it wasn't what i was looking for but i read it anyways and im sooo happy i did it really really and i read a lot so i know i found myself glancing at the scroll bar wishing it was smaller and dreading every time i moved it but i really do love this short better believe you have a fan
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