Just In
for Shannon and the Wolves

11/5/2013 c1 RealLifeGemini
Please update?
12/1/2010 c1 1Cdelancy
Why'd y stop? GO On PLZ!
8/26/2010 c1 3StaNdUPtomE
Aw, update, like teh beginning!
8/10/2010 c1 Xandrea
I really like this. This first chapter is great. How long has it been since the end of "Jack and the Wolves"? I hope the next chapter comes out soon. I can't wait to read it. :)
7/24/2010 c1 A ventriloquists ventriloquist
I have read your other story "Jack and the Wolves" which was very good by the way. It seems that Seth has had a major attitude change from what i have read so far, which is kinda neat, but would also like to see his old childish ways some more in later chapters unless you have other plans. I found one tiny mistake and only because i am a Canadian =] is that the bartender used "Miles" and in Canada we use Kilometers. No biggy just pointing it out. Everything is good hope you update soon!
7/17/2010 c1 1Jessie Wulf
Must.. refrain.. from squeeling..

Phew, I did it.

Anyways, I'm really excited of this sequel! I forgot a lot about the previous story, so when I read the name William and then Seth, I was like,"huh, new characters." Then I saw the name Jack and it brought back memories.

Anyways, please update soon!
6/22/2010 c1 1dear.elle
oh, i remember seth from your first story! werewolves just loves redheads huh? LOL jk

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