1/24/2017 c1 1Wintergreen
So many fantasy stories are from the point of view of younger people. It's so cool to see older people's points of view! You skip tenses a little, I noticed, and mixed past and present tense in strange ways that made it a little confusing to read. I really was interested in the man and his life. What luck it seems he's had, to be noticed so much!
So many fantasy stories are from the point of view of younger people. It's so cool to see older people's points of view! You skip tenses a little, I noticed, and mixed past and present tense in strange ways that made it a little confusing to read. I really was interested in the man and his life. What luck it seems he's had, to be noticed so much!
11/26/2016 c1 4Serentium
Wow, loved the writing style on this story! Well done!
Damn the empire, save the man.
Wow, loved the writing style on this story! Well done!
Damn the empire, save the man.
11/25/2016 c1 LCZielinsky
I could see and feel the place vividly. And I loved the characterizing tone of the old man. The Prince felt youthful and mature by turns; a mark of his inexperience in leadership and yet too his clear grooming for it. The old man's awakening to an empty life was heartbreaking. And finally there was a message for the reader in the dangers to all of having an unfulfilled individual in society.
I could see and feel the place vividly. And I loved the characterizing tone of the old man. The Prince felt youthful and mature by turns; a mark of his inexperience in leadership and yet too his clear grooming for it. The old man's awakening to an empty life was heartbreaking. And finally there was a message for the reader in the dangers to all of having an unfulfilled individual in society.
10/2/2016 c1 shika-paprika
Pretty interesting piece. While this is tagged under Sci-Fi, I did get a bit of a Fantasy vibe from reading this. You have two unique characters: the humble old man and the prince who could learn a thing or two from his modesty. Hopefully, he will as he gets older. Great work.
Pretty interesting piece. While this is tagged under Sci-Fi, I did get a bit of a Fantasy vibe from reading this. You have two unique characters: the humble old man and the prince who could learn a thing or two from his modesty. Hopefully, he will as he gets older. Great work.