Just In
for From Harvard to Whoredom

1/28/2015 c3 justareader
I will definitely buy your book when it launches. So happy for you. My email is: shclaudio12 at gmail dot com
1/14/2015 c5 Darkened Desires
Hey, I
have enjoyed reading this and kinda want to finish it. Was so excited when I saw the email come through from you. Then wad even more excited when I saw it was being put on my kindle lol. Though I do have a question, will it be available in the UK?

1/14/2015 c5 1Sarriel Nightthorn
So excited! Love this story and can't wait for it to be on sale. My email i . c o m
10/11/2014 c4 potteresque
CONGRATULATIONS! I feel so so so happy for you! I hope the film happens someday ;)
10/1/2014 c1 TGWTLSN
Nooo your chapters are going 1 by 1 and I was just getting to the good part :( please leave them on xxx
9/30/2014 c35 XXHotSparklesXX
omg yay! ive loved this story so much and im so happy that it'll be available for people to buy and read! i hope the best for ur future as an actress and for the screenplay! Thanks for an awesome story !
im always going back and rereading FHTW all the time because i absolutely love it!
Good luck with the future! :)))
9/30/2014 c35 1Mariposa-12
I'm so happy for you! I'm glad you will sell this book as if it was a new iPhone. Your writing is very good, especially for someone that doesn't consider themselves an author, and your story was very creative. I will be looking forward to purchasing it since that way I can read it as many times as I want, just like I did here on FP. Congratulations and I hope everything works out great for you.
9/30/2014 c35 Figgalina
I would absolutely buy this story! Wishing you the best of luck on getting it published - it is very worthy. And I think it would be great on the big screen. Hope to see it out there soon. Trusting you will send out an email when it happens, right? Again, good luck!
9/23/2014 c31 augmentedDREAMS
Dude, you made me cry at almost every chapter.

I love this story. I really do. The mommy-daddy love because it made me angry and happy all at the same time. Every other chapter made mr love From Harvard to Whoredom even more. And if I ever become a film director, I'd definitely make this a film.
5/3/2014 c32 kktalk123katherine
Ok so I'm dead. This book has made my emotions go through so much that I can't even process it. I love your book. You are truley an amazing author. The sadness is too much sometimes but the ending made me want to die. You have created a wonderful book. The emotions embedded into this book shows your power as a writer. I beg you to continue writing. Always write. Thank You. Have a wonderful day! :)
5/3/2014 c20 kktalk123katherine
I can't explain how many times I have cried during this chapter. I have literally had to walk away and come back. Although this is really sad a have to say you are an amazing writer. Thank You.
3/27/2014 c34 4R. Ficst
Came back for a reread and enjoyed it just the same :)

I just watched the trailer and you did a great job with it!

Just a passing thought, but it feels like her life pre-this-book could be described as "From Harvard to Whoredom," but beyond brief backstory mention, her education never really comes up again. I feel like the story we read is more "From Whoredom to Hollywood."

Anyways, I don't see any new or recent stories on your profile here. I hope wherever you are in life, you're enjoying it. Good luck with any present or future writing endeavours!
3/3/2014 c34 Ystarr
That was amazing. I definitely teared up at the end:( Thank you for writing this!
1/17/2014 c31 1rainreverie
I have no words to describe how incredible this story was. I am absolutely mindblown it was so so so good! Although the ending seemed a little rushed/sudden, the development of the story was fantastic. This is definitely one of my favorite stories I have read on fictionpress. well done!
11/2/2013 c32 Jane
Holy crap! I hope you realize how amazingly talented you are, because that's a fact that you should know! I was so enthralled, I read this whole story in..what was it? 4 hours? I think? You're amazing! This was so beautiful and funny and sexy and awesome and intense and gahh I could NOT get enough of it!

I honestly don't think I have any serious critiques! I'm just sad it ended! and that it was so bittersweet, but even then I can't help but love the way you ended it! I don't really know how I feel about Stacey becoming their "guardian angel" but it was a nice touch, a good end.

Anyway, thank you for sharing your story, I hope you continue to be fantastic!
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