Just In
for You're the One

11/11/2010 c1 Nixxie07
Yippy Alex and Ryan are back, can't wait to read more xx
10/15/2010 c1 1Miss.Lazy.Fingers
I've seen that's it's been a while since you wrote a chapter, but I really hope you can continue because I would like to see how they are doing now that they live alone...

Like them adopting a child...

Pretty please update?
9/7/2010 c1 sleeplessinseattle22
I love the story so far and can't wait to read more of it!
8/18/2010 c1 2CucumberPrincess
YAY! More LiS! Ek! Thank you so much!
8/12/2010 c1 3lost in pale blue
Yay! It's awesome that they're living together and everyone is happy :) So are they about 20/21 in this? I'm anal about details like that.
8/8/2010 c1 autumn-annette-19
Whats next, whats next?
This makes me so happy. I had no idea a continuation was in the works but I'm completely thrilled.

7/23/2010 c1 1miraakira
ok need an update asap. so good!
7/11/2010 c1 1Megan Garnett
Hello! : )

So...review time.(=

On one note...I'm soo sad! I wanted to see Anne's reaction to Kelsey's pregnancy and Ryan's reaction when he found out that Alex knew the whole time...

I wanted to see both of the families' reactions when they found out about the engagement. And Alex's extended reaction when he realized what Ryan was doing~

I feel like I missed everything...x) Like their first Christmas together and Emily dying...Elizabeth moving back home. They're just...all growing up. Haha... anyway.

On another note~ I'm just super duper happy to read more of their story...and I can't wait for more! :D

Stay awesome~!

7/9/2010 c1 Reenie
I was really excited to see you had another story up, especially a sequel. =] This story looks great so far and I can't wait to see more!
7/8/2010 c1 Kellie D

You're back ? Yay :D

How're you? How's life? Whatcha been up to? How's Ty? xD

I'm so nosy.


Oh well ;]

It's great to see you're potentially coming back! It seems to have been forever D:

Got MSN?

7/7/2010 c1 4Turquoise Mage
Wow it's been a year since you've posted anything related to these two characters but all the same i'm glad you're back with more from them i couldn't wait for it to come out i'm so happy you decided to make a sequel well until the next chapter i can't wait for it love to have you back till next time bye! :D
7/7/2010 c1 2Rhys-the-Redeemed
for a while i was worried that we weren't going to ever find out what was going on durring the time-skip.

I enjoyed the story and wish not to wait for the next installment.

You can stand under my umberella,
7/7/2010 c1 lunasea
OMG! im so excited to read this! i loved "love is strange" to death! and the ending i was no way it cant end! so happy theres a sequel and cant wait for updates!
7/7/2010 c1 jessicas favorite stories
i was waiting so long for this

sounds good already

hope the updates come fairly fast :)
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