Just In
for The Pirate's Legacy: New Horizons

5/31/2016 c50 Taraxoxo
I wish this story would just go on for ever, I can never get enough of Em and Rodger
2/26/2015 c53 shortwinters219
Cliffhanger! So will there be another story?! Maybe more focused on Nathaniel and Nautica?!
2/26/2015 c51 shortwinters219
damn I want to read Roger's POV on how he got his memory back!
2/26/2015 c43 shortwinters219
2/22/2015 c6 shortwinters219
Demitri is. . . gay. Holycrap that was definitely unexpected!
12/16/2014 c53 Anon
I don't know what to say. I am... astonished by how good your 3rd book is. Please please tell me this isn't the end O_O
6/24/2014 c53 Taraxoxo
So sad this is over
3/25/2014 c53 Bmonti
Heya so i read all 3 of the pirate's Legacy stories and i wish i haddent read the epilogue since now i really want to know whats going to happen to em's kids. are you going to wright another story with one of em's kids as the main character?
There was one thing that really bothered me though the course of the story's and that is in book one i think Annilyn was pregnant i think but you never said what had happened to her child if it died or survived since in book 2 you said some time had gone by, so i would have assumed her kid would have been born in that time... or maybe I'm remembering it incorrectly...

anyway thanks for an awsum story i enjoyed every min of it even if it gave me a few nights of no sleep from reading too much
excuse my bad spelling Please
3/3/2014 c53 Black-Death-646
May I just say, this trilogy has been a pleasure to read! I literally loved everything about it! This is definitely a story to remember! Thanks for all the fun and adventure! Good luck on all of your endeavors, keep up the good work, and always, always keep writing!
7/23/2013 c49 Ni
THat's an injury very like Roger and his lung… hmmm…..
7/23/2013 c46 Guest
At this point the baby would be closer to 2 months along… The two timelines don't line up properly.
7/23/2013 c43 Guest
You say here they found out about the dragon 6 months previously… I've been calculating the time, and only 2 months have passed since Dragon Chapter 1/Chapter 25, so it couldn't have bee six months. Besides that, they've been gone for approximately 118 days, or about 4 months, so six months haven't gone by since Em left.

otherwise, wonderful tale ye've got here.
7/21/2013 c53 overbliss
AAAAH. Can I just start of by saying that you, dear, are pure genius? I couldn't just sit back and shrug the story off after I've read all three parts. I just HAD to create a new account (forgot my past accounts, heh.) here just to review.

You've woven this wonderful story that's both believable and unbelievable - which is a good thing, of course. The settings are immaculate! I'd have to say that Atlantis was my favorite. It was well-imagine and absolutely unique! I can see it on the big screen, seriously. The world you've created is just, wow. I really want to hug you now, please don't be creeped out. I mean, the complexities of it all - Tarym and Politicka, Pirata, etc etc. The culture. Wonderful. Even the jargon you've created. ( I keep on saying godsdamnit now.)

The way you describe duels and attacks are very well-paced and intriguing, making me just absolutely anxious about the outcome! I imagine myself on the pirate ship, and suddenly have this urge to be on sea.

Most of all, I love your characterizations. Em and Roger aren't perfect. They have depth and contrast. I SHIP THEM SO MUCH. Although, sometimes I find it quite annoying that Em is such a squealer even so late in the series. I'd think that after what she's been through, she'd have developed some sort of immunity or courage or something. I think Joseph Fiennes as Roger is perfect, HAHA! I can't stop replaying your story in my mind. I daresay, I am quite obsessed.

Aside from the main characters, I love how you didn't just make your other characters as fillers. Michael is another one of my favorites, and Louise of course! I thought you were going to take off the twins from the story at the beginning and I AM SO GLAD I WAS WRONG. I LOVE THEM TOO. Also Kim. And even Cicero. And Cecil. And Leo, of course. And Demitri. Even Calypso. Okay, throw in Helena. And Oh Henry. Include The Jolly Roger even if it's inanimate.

AH, who am I kidding? I LOVE EVERYONE.

So, really, thank you for this story! THANK YOU! Although, it has been the cause of a couple of sleepless nights and me zoning out in class countless times. ;)

If ever this comes out published (fingers crossed!), PLEASE TELL ME. I promise to support you and your future stories.

Hope you write more!
7/20/2013 c53 M
To Continue that thought- it sort of echoes off how she wanted to save Em's life and had Cicero sweep her away to the pirates. (How did a pirate end up in queens port then, anyway...?) but ya, some food for thought.
7/20/2013 c53 M
So I absolutely loved the way this ended! But, I have a major question- wouldn't Helena and Onus be sort of pissed that Calypso is choosing the heir to their nation? The future Tarymaia? I mean, I get it if its a gods-are-above-pithy-things, but I feel like Helena would be slightly more upset about it.
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