Just In
for Happy Endings

6/10/2020 c1 Guest
i love this so much it literally brought me to tears and made me realize there’s never a guarantee in life you just have to live it.
4/16/2020 c1 ShioriTakahara
That was so beautiful. I cried my eyes out at the ending:)
12/28/2019 c1 21RainbowPearls
Awwww this was such a great shot. I salute you for writing this! I absolutely loved this shot and the course that you made us read through was just amazing and beyond admiration!
6/12/2019 c1 J.A
This is just so beautifully written - and I say that with awe and reverence that there are still writers on here that can take my breath away with their writing. I really really loved every minute reading this and felt every emotion that characters were feeling. God, this is probably the best oneshot on here!
7/8/2018 c1 13Shailaputri
To be honest, don't you think Alexis and Paige are almost same here. Alexis is going to go through the pain which Wyatt gives to her. He loves her but can't love her the way she needs to be loved. Doesn't she going to end up feeling the same way as Paige who felt inadequate for Peter?
And I also feel Peter and Wyatt are almost same. Peter married someone else and expect Paige to be comfortable with that fact. Same way as how Wyatt leaves Alexis and only concentrates on Paige.
Did Wyatt tried his relationship with Alexis to workout?.
6/24/2018 c1 Guest
I'm in joyful tears! I loved your story to bits :) Its definitely one of the best one-shots I have read, if not the best. It was amazing with its romance, humour, and show of reality. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
8/10/2017 c1 Otaku ami
This is so good, it is devoid of all cliches and the character development is simply good. I just loved the ending and how they stuck to their true characters till the end of the story.
6/8/2017 c1 Gur Lin
THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! You had me in tears by the end of the story. I really love your writing style too.
6/1/2017 c1 Guest
Loved the fic. Never have I ever read such a heartwarming story.
12/19/2015 c1 CheyenneLim
I read this again today for the second time after 4 months and I still loved it! I really find this story awesome that I had to log out and write another review (because fictionpress doesn't allow multiple reviews per user account per chapter of a story lol) This is my most favorite oneshot! I don't mind the length of it at all because it's really good! Kudos to u! I'm a fan!
10/24/2015 c1 11Kapiru Kat DeiDei
This is just so beautiful. Gosh, I'm at the peak of tears of joy. Can't get more emotional than this. Gosh, I love it.


8/17/2015 c1 sunshinecmnl
Best oneshot i've read! I love every bit of it!
6/29/2015 c1 truh
There were flaws in the writing but because its such a long piece, and a good one, I wouldn't hold it against you. This is such a meaningful piece because it captures and showcase the little things in life that we tend to neglect and take for granted. I could relate to Paige on so many levels because just like her, I'm also scared of love and opening myself up to the world. This piece makes me want to find my own happy ending and put more faith in myself haha. So thank you so much for sharing this! Keep writing and stay awesome! (:
5/9/2015 c1 Guest
That is one beautiful os. Yes, its a bit cliched but still managed to retain its charm. I'll be honest though, I love stories with happy endings and thus I liked this one too. A fact that is commendable is that you've managed it without being too sappy. And I liked the end part a lot.
P.s. Wyatt's cute
3/25/2015 c1 uo
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