Just In
for The Gospel According to Seth

7/25/2022 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Hey! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Kindly send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
11/5/2011 c49 16flamesflyer
It was pretty cute, kinda slow. When Iread that there was a sequel I got pretty excited. Off to read the sequel.
9/17/2011 c1 3Friday101
I like it!
8/9/2011 c49 5marzmez
I thought this story was sweet! You don't often see stories about shy boys. They are mostly good looking and arrogant. So I liked this especially sinse there are shy boys out there and it's nice to see a story from that perspective.
8/6/2011 c3 marzmez
He left his three year old sister home alone while he went running? Bad, bad, bad. Three year olds can get into tremendous trouble.
7/17/2011 c48 Guest
I like this one and i think you should work on a sequel i would totaly read it
6/18/2011 c1 Guest
Really nice! :)
6/17/2011 c48 1Romance of Juliet
good (:
3/15/2011 c54 3midnightwrighter
Hi! I just noticed that you hadn't updated in a while and I wanted to know if you are going to continue this story. That's it, if you are please update soon.

-midnightwrighter :)
2/21/2011 c54 16dail-of-the-air
And the plot heats up .. I love how you switch between everyday happenings (Eunice's girl party) and figuring out the past or the future. Though I must say that it is going a bit slow .. sort of, it heats up, and then there's no follow through, but then something else gets hotter. But I'm sure it'll all pull together eventually! I think it's the short chapter style that throws me off.
2/18/2011 c54 draco oblivion
Nice chapter. I think it will probably be the brown haired cheerleader who Seth's mum said was smart.
2/17/2011 c1 Haha.not telling
All I have to say on the ending part is "Oh crap for him." other wise "good ending!" Makes me wanna read more and that's a good thing right? keep up the good work... waiting for more...
2/17/2011 c54 10Sorraya T
Awesome chapter, can't wait for more, update soon :)
2/17/2011 c54 Hey
I've this happen a few times when you update but you replayed chapter 52 for chapter 54. If you have'nt noticed yet.
2/16/2011 c54 1BehindxThexEyes
That was a really cute chapter...I like how Seth is becoming more outgoing:)
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