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for Kouryuu: A Dragon's Tale of Love and Revenge

1/10/2014 c17 The Nameless
Great story you have here! Keep up the good work! D
9/2/2012 c13 3Miles Montgomery
Next chapter soon, or I tell Kouryuu to pay you a little visit.
9/2/2012 c12 Miles Montgomery
I'm hoping they do get together. They're good for each other.
9/2/2012 c11 Miles Montgomery
Well, things should start getting real interesting.
9/2/2012 c10 Miles Montgomery
The more I read, the more I'm sucked in. You should publish this, really.
9/2/2012 c9 Miles Montgomery
I see romance blooming. Even though she's like almost 10 times his age.
9/2/2012 c8 Miles Montgomery
Her mom is evil. Nice chapter.
9/2/2012 c7 Miles Montgomery
Great chapter.
9/2/2012 c6 Miles Montgomery
That was some tough training. I like the ghost mother, it's like an Obi-wan thing.
9/2/2012 c5 Miles Montgomery
That sounds like a lot of land. And I wonder what's up with the Touketsu-Hara?
9/2/2012 c4 Miles Montgomery
Your classic revenge story. Looking forward to reading the rest.
9/2/2012 c3 Miles Montgomery
Things are not looking good for Kouryuu.
9/2/2012 c2 Miles Montgomery
A very good chapter. This is well-planned out and masterfully executed.
9/2/2012 c1 Miles Montgomery
A few grammatical errors, but nicely done.
4/23/2012 c1 1Ram Attra
I love this story the characters the deatail the stroy line and the title of the story!

man if i was a publisher this would have been on the shelfs a long time ago.

and i have a litle bit of luck here since someone is so amazing can you reveiw my story and possibly give some feed back for improvement or good thing in the story :)

Mate but this story has nothing wrong with and you shall cary on!
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