Just In
for Art Criticism

12/30/2017 c1 Guest
Well it’s xmas, so I’m rereading Art Criticism. I don’t know where else to leave
comments but I wanted to say James tying himself in angsty knots is still one of my favourite reads. Merry Christmas to you!
1/16/2015 c1 XertZ
Yes! I managed to buy the book online using a gift card from Christmas! This story is awesome! I'm glad I bought it. Thank you for writing such a refreshing story!
11/19/2014 c2 XertZ
Damn! I can't buy this book! My parents would fucking kill me, literally! Maybe I will eventually, when they're not around to see it or when I'm old enough to move out. :(
4/28/2014 c2 midnight41
12/11/2013 c1 3true noise68
Whhhy, what happened to the chapters I always reread this one it was my favorite. ease put it back up soon.
11/1/2013 c1 elenabee
OMG EXCUSE ME pls put this back up ;3 it was perfection I don't care what state it's in haha

I'm so demanding
8/3/2013 c1 LateNightTurtle
It's been too long. I always reread this story at least once a month. Why did you do this? It was so great the way it was. /:
7/6/2013 c1 Guest
You're going to put the chapters back on here rivaled right? I hate Tumblr and just social networking in general.
7/3/2013 c1 jh
5/24/2013 c24 2Hikaoru13
I found your story from goodreads. I love it. I like Turkish. I like how James goes from hating him so badly to loving him.
5/22/2013 c19 Guest
love it
5/9/2013 c25 10DreamsOnlyLastForTheNight
This was a really nice story! I loved the way Turkish and James interacted. Their personalities really balanced out! There were a few errors here and there but nothing that took away from the story. Good job! :)
4/27/2013 c25 K
Love this story! :)
4/23/2013 c7 Carolyn
It's so sweet how caring and gentle Turkish has turned out to be. Now, if only James would stop being an ass to him! :)
4/23/2013 c2 Carolyn
"That is just Turkish—half art brut and half a Robert Smithson space flight with a good dose of prick thrown in..." I looooved that sentence! :)
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