Just In
for Art Criticism

2/21/2011 c9 substitute.my.reality
Wonderful! -Jenna
2/21/2011 c8 substitute.my.reality
I love how much effort you put into getting Turkish's culture right. Brava. -Jenna
2/21/2011 c7 substitute.my.reality
Oh such drama. Very nice. -Jenna
2/21/2011 c6 substitute.my.reality
Aww, like where this is going. -Jenna
2/21/2011 c5 substitute.my.reality
Aww that's so sweet! I guess Turkish isn't quite as blind to other's emotions as James thought. -Jenna
2/21/2011 c4 substitute.my.reality
Intense. I love it! -Jenna
2/21/2011 c3 substitute.my.reality
Lol. Loved that ending line! -Jenna
2/21/2011 c2 substitute.my.reality
Nice. I like this Kitty. Hope to see her more. -Jenna
2/20/2011 c1 substitute.my.reality
This is the first thing I've ever read here. Honestly this site is a bit hard to sort through. Anyways, I really like your opening. Looking forward to checking out the rest of the story. -Jenna
2/19/2011 c23 2red bean
I didn't like Turkish for about the first five chapters. In fact, I really disliked him. But then suddenly he grew on me quite a lot? So while I was at a conference today, pretending to be an adult, I filled in the boring papers thinking about what trickery you pulled on me. So then I went home and read the whole thing all over again. That means twice in 24 hours. So basically, I still have not worked out how you managed to shenanigan me into liking Turkish as much as James, but well played. So: 1) You really should 'clean it up some day'! It's pretty awesome. Definitely more awesome than many things I have paid money for. I think the only critique I have off the top of my head is that the substitution of 'the photographer' for 'Turkish' or 'him' gets cumbersome and distracting, but that's the worst damage I can do. 2) Have you curated an exhibit? Because you are really spot on with your sense of setting and behind-the-scenes mechanics of it all. So many sympathy laughs. 3) I am really excited to read more from your 'Art World'. I'm sorry I'm tired and incoherent now but should such a thing appear I would totally stalk it with pretentious blethering reviews. 4) HOORAY. BOATING. YES.
2/18/2011 c9 red bean
I have such a nerdy grad student love of the theory foreplay. I think this is possibly the sexiest thing I've ever read. If that's horribly twisted, at least I know there's one other weirdo in the theory kink boat with me.

Oh and I also love James. Despite the fact you mentioned he's blond, I have Simon Amstell in head for him, which is the highest compliment I can offer, since I have a big gay crush on SA, and he is the king (queen?) of b*tchy, neurotic little indie nerds. So excited to finish reading this. I just had to say. Theory foreplay, man. You're my hero.
2/17/2011 c23 Tears Of A Wolf
2/6/2011 c23 8aurora borealis
I loved this story. It was just awesome. Now I really need some sleep... (It's two in the morning in my time zone.)
2/5/2011 c23 1Vega Nightshade
What can I say? I simply loved it... You didn't need much words to bring these two guys to life... I could really belive in them, how they acted... And it was realistic I think, and heartwarming, though they problems. And funny to that... Great work! :)
1/19/2011 c23 Feel The Waltz
I really enjoyed this story. In the first couple of chapters i couldn't even begin to imagine Turkish and James together but half way through they just seemed so well suited. I thought you also ended at a good place. Thank you for posting :)
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