Just In
for Art Criticism

11/16/2010 c20 23plumblossom
It damn well can't be this easy for Turkish to make the switch in his photography. That's unfair!

Meanwhile, our guy needs a break too . . .
11/16/2010 c20 firedraygon97
Oh this is just fantastic. I love how James is slowly learning to let loose and enjoy having Turkish around. These two are so cute together! Lovely work. Please write more soon!

11/16/2010 c20 hexyz
They haven't discussed whether they were together together and not just sort of together? I thought the whole going to New York thing settled that. :/ I wonder what argument James will make.

Also, I found the first part of this chapter quite profound. The whole we live in our bodies bit was quite good.
11/16/2010 c20 EndeavorThroughTheMist
For about a minute I was worried that James was gonna freak when Turkish called him his boyfriend, but I've come to the conclusion that I think he's actually going to be flattered. Which probably means good times for the two of them in the next chapter. Hahaha. I love this story. I have to admit I was getting a little worried by your absence! Not that it was even long (look what you've done...I'm addicted to your stories). I think excited Turkish is adorable (as is Turkish is every mood, but that's beside the point). Mad love for everything about this, especially, if I might add, Swallowed by the Whale web comic! That's such exciting news! I checked out the pictures and they look awesome. Good to know there's more great stuff on the way!
11/16/2010 c10 chromalux
I LOVE this story! I picture James looking like an older version The Brain from Brick.
11/15/2010 c19 ohmytuesday
AHAHAHA James is so adorable. I love him and I think Turkish is a saint for putting up with his (adorable) nonsense.

Awesomeness is awesome
11/7/2010 c19 Sarah
Oh, I absolutely adore this. Good characterization, good writing (which isn't so common on FP, to be honest).

Keep writing~ I eagerly await more.
11/5/2010 c19 EndeavorThroughTheMist
Your frequent updates make my life. As does this story. Just so you know.
11/5/2010 c19 5Nightengale101
WOW! I love ur stories. Ur such a great writer and all ur characters are genuine and have unique personalities. Even the plot kicks butt! Continue writing and posting! :)
11/5/2010 c19 54big.break.and.laryngitis
This story makes me love life just a little bit more every time I read a chapter. It's just. So. Guh. There are no words.
11/4/2010 c19 25Esquirella
I really, really love this story! I can't believe there's only four more chapters! These two are one of my most favorite couples!

I love the way James lets go when he's with Turkish,too. You can just feel the strong feelings he has for Turkish. Is he going to admit to it?
11/4/2010 c19 23plumblossom
You sure make me miss San Francisco. Lucky me I'm going in a couple weeks.

But I'm not going to _this_ San Francisco: a much staider one. Which is okay.

Turkish is so sweet.
11/4/2010 c19 JerryOnigiri
So HOT! Thanks for the update.
11/4/2010 c19 Poptart Guava King
D: fingered him. OMG OUR LITTLE BABY IS GROWING UP. Oh yes I do hope I know what New York means. And every trip I make to NY will never be the same. BWAHAHAHAH.
11/1/2010 c18 vanillacreampuff
You know, this story really kinda rocks dude (: Sadly you have destroyed any chance of me doing well in my classes tomorrow but it was totally worth it to read this instead. I feel like I'm a sorta James character so I get where he's coming from a lot and it just makes me happy that's he's got a hot guy who can cook (because food is obviously the most important thing!). Originally, I thought Peter was gay too and there was gonna be a shock twist of Peter and James getting it on - the sheer horror that went through me at that was actually pretty ridiculous but it turned out okay. I need to go read your other stories if this is any indication of your awesomeness, but maybe tomorrow when sleep is less necessary. (:
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